Chapter 1

May 13, 2009 08:24

 Marion Ni Riordan loaded the last of her things onto the river barge. She loved travelling this way back to the Great Cathedral in Maigh. She had been to Balistraw, a small city, no more than a large town in truth, some six hundred miles from Maigh, where she had been working to deal with a vampire that had been terrorizing the locals for a few years before anyone had reported it to her order based out the Cathedral. It had been a tough nut to crack, this particular vampire, the problem being no one knew where its lair was. This meant that there was a lot more work involved, specifically legwork, than there would normally have been in order to track the creature down and destroy it. Still the job was done and she could relax on the way home hopefully to some well earned rest. At the fore of the river barge the captain, a stocky man that looked, and smelled, like he had a fear of water was arguing with Dúlra. Marion put her pack down and smiled, she remembered the quiet and meek little novice that Dúlra had once been when she was originally assigned to her. That was all long in the past, five years working as Marions assistant had toughened her up an her dealings with people were more likely to result in Dúlra getting her way than the person on the receiving end of her temper.

'What do you mean the price has risen? What costs are you talking about?' Dúlra shouted at the man. 'I'm sorry' he replied backing away from the angry woman 'but that's just how it is. I mean no disrespect Ma'am, but I need to pay my crew and they need to feed their families and that all costs money. With the coming winter prices are rising in this area because people have been scared to leave their homes because of the monster that you so admirably dealt with'. Dúlra sighed 'Captain, I appreciate that people have to feed their families but you cannot go back on your agreed price. What we will do instead is give each of your crew a reward when we reach Maigh. Just so that we are sure they can feed their families'. Dúlra turned and walked back over to Marion with a smirk on her face. The captain blustered at he implication that the money would not reach the crew and by the look on the face of the man pulling to ropes in beside Marion who was listening intently to the conversation it probably never would. Marion watched, a moment of pity passed over her for the poor riverboat captain dealing with Dúlra's wrath. Times were hard and people needed to make a coin where they could. The problem was, these two were not easily bullied. Smiling at Dúlra

Looking at Dúlra, Marion realised that she hadn't been her assistant in the better part of a year. They were more like partners than student and teacher at this stage and they were firm friends. They both realised they had difficult and dangerous jobs but their time together meant that they complimented each others styles and skills. The captain relented and walked away from Dúlra shouting orders to cast off. As his men busied themselves Marion walked over and stood beside Dúlra looking ahead over the water as they began the journey home.

Standing side by side they looked identical both of them wore the full length black coat of the vampire hunters along with the broad brimmed hat, they wore the same style of leather armour with the high collar to protect them from their foes and of course each wore the silver necklace of the sacred symbol of their order crossed with a wooden stake to show their speciality in dealing with the vampires and other fell undead creatures. They were Sisters of Solas, the goddess of the dead. They wore a silver flame around their necks as was the symbol of their goddess' passion against the undead, creatures that should have travelled through the gates of the dead to her but who had been kept in this world by anyone of a number of means, magical or or alchemical. It was in themselves and their chosen equipment that the differences lay. Marion was the epitome of her southern lineage, dark olive skin and straight black hair. The only proof her father was a man of Maigh was in her eyes, they were of the deep blue of the ocean on a bright summers day, they were the thing that most people remembered about her when asked to describe her. They were capable of showing true tenderness but also, when plying her trade they showed an icy hardness to them that scared and intimidated most people. Secretly the Abbess at the Cathedral herself found them unnerving. Contrarily Dúlra's skin was like alabaster and her hair the deep red of the people of the north west of the Taria. She had found her way to Maigh through the sisterhood that she had run away from home to join when she was fifteen. As the pair were warrior sisters they were in the peak of physical fitness the only marks were the line of scars down Dúlra's left cheek where a ghoul defending a vampire caught her in a rare moment where she was off her guard. Their kit was stacked by the cabin door behind them, moved there by one of the crew, as they watched Balistraw dissipate into farmland and then wilderness as the riverboat travelled on. They never left their primary weapons too far away Marions great sword leant on her pack. Beside it rested the large disc shield that Dúlra chose to use. They still had weapons on them, only within the Cathedral would they not carry weapons or have them resting beside them. They chose different styles but they had learned to work together and were now a formidable team. Dúlra used a one handed sword with the shield, she carried two swords on her back and one on her left hip. Marion normally carried the great sword across her back but she also had a short sword on her left hip and a quiver of silver tipped bolts on the right which also contained a folding crossbow pistol. Both had frogs hanging on the backs of their belts from which hung four hawthorn stakes each, of course they hoped they'd never be in a situation where they needed to stake eight vamps at the same time. As the sun began to set the two settled themselves in for some sleep, neither truly slept out here in the wild, there were too many dangers but in the morning they should be just a few miles from Maigh and the real rest they deserved.


Dúlra woke with a start, her hand instinctively gripping the hilt of the sword beside her. She looked around. 'Morning' greeted Marion. Dúlra relaxed and watched Marion sitting on her kit and examining a map. 'Should be at the dock in about two hours' she said, not looking up, 'you might want to get up and see if you can make yourself presentable'. Dúlra walked to the rail of the riverboat and hung off the side to relieve herself. As she stood up she turned ad looked at her reflection in the river. Her hair was as always tied back in the tight braid she wore while in the field. She ran finger tips over her scars and, the same as every time she saw or touched them, made a silent oath to Solas to never be caught off guard again.'Come on' called Marion 'Breakfast is ready'. They sat and chatted about the mission they had just been on as they ate eventually they started to see more buildings and more people on the road beside the river. The river itself was busier with river boats and barges from as far afield as Corckay on the coast and Galendun in the north. Silently they watched Maigh grow around them until they passed the river gates and saw the islands in the river where some of the wealthier denizens of the city resided. Past these they went to the Northern Docks. The captain may not have been the most pleasant man in the world but he knew his craft and skilfully guided the riverboat to the northern docks to a mooring at the end of Hope Street, it was the shortest route to the Cathedral of Solas from the river. Nodding thanks to the scowling captain they disembarked and began walking along the street. As their route took them into the commercial district they started to notice people staring at them and though they were not unaccustomed to people being scared of vampire hunters there seemed to be more people taking notice of them than normal. People were making the sign of the flame and they occasionally heard some one mummer a prayer of thanks that they had returned. Exchanging glances they nodded to each other and both broke into a jog towards the Temple. When they reached the gate to the inner city on Hope Street it was closed, 'These gates shouldn't close til dusk' said Dúlra, concerned. There was a crowd shouting at the barred gate. 'What is being done?' called one man, another shouted 'Stop hiding and protect us!'. As they noticed Dúlra and Marion the crowd fell silent and parted before them as they slowed to a walk. 'Help us please' one old man said grasping Marions hand she pulled it away as Dúlra's shield came between the two and her hand flew to the hilt of the sword at her shoulder. Tension filled the air but as neither Marion nor Dúlra drew weapons the hostility remained behind peoples eyes. Concerned with the sudden silence the gate guard had opened the hatch to see what was going on. Surprised to see two vampire hunters from the Cathedral he immediately opened a door set in the gate and allowed them access. After they passed he immediately closed and barred the doorway again. 'What in the name of Solas is going on?' demanded Marion, her eyes locking with the guard. He baulked at her question and stare and stood there like a landed fish, his mouth opening and closing. She looked at him and shook her head, 'Pride of the watch you are' she said as she barged passed him. Dúlra followed as they proceeded up the steps of the Cathedral. On this side of the gate life seemed normal, the wealthy and nobility carried on their daily routines. In the cathedral a number of people knelt in devotions while others discussed theological matters in small groups. Marion and Dúlra marched up the central aisle and knelt before the altar giving thanks for their safe arrival. Rising from their knees they turned and walked through the door to the right of the altar that lead to the gardens and the rest of the complex. Even here in the, normally, most serene of places there was a murmur when they walked out. People stopped talking and looked at them watching them. Unnerved Marion stopped as a young novice ran up to them. 'The High Inquisitor wishes to speak to you as soon as possible' he panted. Marion and Dúlra exchanged glances and changed their course from their own quarters to the head of their orders offices. Leaving there packs on the bench beside the office door Dúlra Knocked and they waited for admittance. The grand mahogany door opened and they were invited in by a brother. Stepping through the door they looked the length of the room to see the High Inquisitor of The Sisters of Solas sitting at her desk. She looked up as they entered the room and gestured to the seats in front of her. Walking the length of the room Dúlra pondered her.

Caran Fionnuisce couldn't be more Tarian if she were the High Kings daughter. She had a harsh gaze, harsher even than Marions, that was even more stern due to her only having one eye. Her white hair was always worn in an extremely tight ponytail and she always wore full black garb, even though she didn't need to within the confines of the Cathedral. Sitting behind the huge desk she seemed to be tiny but she was a formidable six foot tall and as strong as most of the men in the order, she needed to be to keep her position. Her face was sharp and angular with scars running down the right side, through the missing eye. No one knew where they came from but it made her all the more imposing, clearly a bonus in their line of work. Sitting down Marion and Dúlra waited for her to look up. 'So I guess you're wondering what you're arrived back in the middle of?' She began as she stood up from behind the desk and walked over to a map of the city with pins in it. 'Each of these pins' she continued, 'is the scene of a recent murder'. Dúlra raised an eyebrow, 'there are always murders' she said 'What's so special about these that we're involved?'. 'If you'd let me continue then you'd find out.' snapped Caran. 'Each of these red dots is a murder committed by a vampire or a group of vampires in the last month' she paused as Marion and Dúlra looked at her aghast, there were nearly 30 pins in the map. 'Close your mouths and listen up. As you have seen there is a lot of tension about this in the city. People are asking what we're doing about it, how we're going to deal with it. The answer to that question is the two of you. You are assigned to find these leeches in their nest and destroy them. Publicly too, we want people to see Solas' justice getting done.

‘What we have so far on this is that it looks like there’s a group of vampires new to the city, they’re hunting in the merchant quarter, no one has seen them and walked away’ she said. Moving back to her desk she sat down and sighed deeply ‘There is a lot of unrest developing out there and we’re under a lot of pressure, people up above us want to see results and want to see them soon. Speak to Captain Donncha from the city watch; he’s the one working on this from their side. Good hunting ladies’. Marion and Dúlra stood and bowed, turned and left the room in silence. They walked back through the gardens neither one speaking as they picked up their packs and went to their cells. Dropping most of their kit on the palates they came back out and sat in the common area. A servant brought platters of simple food out to the table. Both were lost in thought as they ate. Dúlra looked across the table to Marion. ‘Damn, a vampire nest’. She sighed deeply, ‘that’s a scary concept’. Marion met her gaze and nodded. ‘Still, we have the support of the watch. Assuming they’re not looking the other way’. Marion finished her food and stood up. ‘Right’ she announced, ‘let’s get cleaned up and out there’. An hour later they were bathed and in clean uniforms and walking towards the gate to the merchants quarter.

The watch office for this part of town was a three storey half stone building the upper floors were timber and clay. It was clean and well presented and the sign had been recently repainted. The door was open as the weather was warm. As they walked in the room fell to a hush, watchmen behind counters were dealing with peoples issues. Everyone turned to look at them. A young watchman stepped from behind a counter and nervously approached them. ‘How can we help two inquisitors today’ he stammered. Marion met his eyes and smiled gently at him ‘we’re looking for the Captain, Schmitt?’ ‘ Send them in Rolf’ a deep voice echoed from a door behind the counters. Rolf stepped aside as the two dressed all in black walked past and through the door. ‘Captain Donncha I assume’ asked Marion. ‘Please just call me Donncha’ said the man as he stood up. He was a tall man, at least six feet with broad shoulders and a slim waist. His dark hair was tied in a short ponytail at the nape of his neck and his chin was covered in a neat goatee beard. His eyes were a bright green and he didn’t flinch from meeting Marion’s gaze. ‘Please sit, can I offer you any refreshment?’ he asked as he gestured to three chairs by the fireplace. Though it was a warm afternoon there was a small fire burning in the hearth they sat in the seats. ‘Tell us what you think you know’ asked Dúlra with hostility while Marion fixed her gentle gaze on him. The Captain looked from one to the other and smiled, he was clearly unperturbed by the pair of vampire hunters in his office. Locking eyes with Marion he settled back into his chair and began to explain what information he had so far. 'Well so far we are running into a blank wall, we have a selection of killings that all appear to have been vampiricly carried out but other than that not a lot. We have looked at a selection of places that could be housing them but nowhere seems to have any sign of habitation more than the usual homeless folks'. Dúlra walked over to the map of the city, similarly to the one in the office at the temple this one had more pins in it than the previous one they'd seen. 'There are more marks on this map?'. Donncha looked up at the map, 'Some are from last night, another 2 murders to be accounted for. Maybe related, maybe not we haven't had the report back from them yet so we don't know. That one' he said standing and walking over to the map,' was on the island so couldn't have been a vampire, they'd have had to cross running water and they cant'. Marion laughed gently. 'If only that was true, our lives would be so much easier, unfortunately that, and so many other rumours arent true, nothing more than old wives tales. Many a novice has discovered that the hard way'. Donncha looked disturbed by the news and moved back to his chair to sit by Marion again. 'I think you need to tell me more about the nature of vampires before I get myself killed through my own ignorance'. Dúlra looked at Marion, 'I'm going to take a look at the scene of the most recent killing, its only a few streets away, Marion looked out the window and seeing there was still a couple of hours daylight left nodded, 'Be careful of any Thralls that may be watching to see who goes there'. Dúlra agreed as she walked to the office door. 'Wait a second', Donncha walked over to his desk and opened a drawer, he took out a badge and threw it across the room to Dúlra who deftly caught it and looked down at it. 'Any of my men that see that will do everything in their power to help you. Just show it to them and they'll realise that we're working together on this. Dúlra nodded again, turned on her heel and walked through the office door closing it behind her. Marion settled her gaze on the captain, 'Perhaps some tea would be pleasant', she said and he got up and filled the kettle then hung it on the hook over the fire, they chatted about their respective work in a vague way while they waited for the kettle to boil. Eventually they were settling into the chairs with large cups of steaming tea in their hands. Marion gazed at the captain, he was a large man and looked to be confident in his abilities, authority and troops, but under those icy eyes he began to look less self assured as she began to speak.

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