Chapter 13.2

Jul 29, 2009 18:48

 ‘Eat, Dúlra. I know it’s been a hard day and I bet you haven’t’ on hearing the words Dúlra realised that she was starving. 
She looked around the room and people were nodding at her. She walked over and picked up some bread and cheese and started to eat.
‘I just need to go for a walk’ Scath said. Looking up at him Dúlra noticed that he had gotten very pale and drawn. She flinched and he smiled at her ‘the perils of not feeding very often’ he said as he turned and walked from the room.

They sat around and filled each other in on the different aspects that they had discovered with Dathai occasionally adding something from his bed. Conal sat in thought.

‘We need to activate the full emergency plan then. We’ll have to wait until Scath comes back but when he does…’. As if on queue the door opened again and Scath walked in with colour returned and tone returned to him. Dúlra averted her eyes from him and looked at the flames to avoid looking at him. He walked over and sat down.

‘I stopped a rape attack’ he whispered to her. She looked at him and sighed.

‘I know you’re trying to only kill those who are criminals of the worst order but I still can’t get past you taking life to sustain yours. We have bigger issues at the moment though so let’s deal with that first eh?’ She said to him. Conal watched the exchange and smiled at them working to get through their differences.

‘Right, I was saying that we need to go to full emergency plan. You know what that means’. Scath nodded.

‘I’ll arrange it for midday tomorrow. Can everyone be in full dress armour and robes in my rooms an hour before then, please?’ Scath ordered, ‘Until then I suggest everyone gets some sleep. Dúlra, allow me to walk you to the temple. I’ll explain what’s happening now’.

Everyone stood, apart from Donncha and Dathai.

‘I’ll stay here with him’ he said nodding at Dathai. ‘Just to make sure they don’t come to finish the job’.

‘Cheers for that cheerful thought Captain’ Dathai struggled to say.

Scath nodded. ‘I’ll tell the guard that you hold your rank in the university guard as well as the watch. It’ll make sense when you see the guard shortly. I will be activating them to battle ready status’.

They walked down the wide spiral stairs to the bottom where the guard sat at the bottom.

‘Go to the Provost and repeat these words’ Scath began ‘Per adua ad binto, will you remember them? The guard snapped to attention.

‘Yes Sir. Per adua ad binto sir’ he answered.

‘Good. Tell him that the captain and sergeant of the city watch both now carry their ranks in the university guard as well’. Scath replied. ‘Go as fast as you can’. The guard took off at full speed across the square towards the Provosts office and disappeared from sight.

‘Well good night folks’ Conal said as he walked off to his rooms.’ Mhehal, do you want a drink?’

‘Yeah I will. See you two tomorrow’ and he walked off with Conal.

Dúlra and Scath stood on the steps of the hospitallers building.

‘Why best dress tomorrow?’ Dúlra asked.

‘We’re going to the palace to muster the armies of the kingdom to be prepared for battle’ he said as he stepped off onto the square. Dúlra stood there with her mouth open.

‘We’re going to stroll up to the king, and tell him all about this and he’s going to believe us? I think we’ll all get arrested’ she replied incredulously.

Actually we won’t be going to the king. Like you the king believes me to be a legend that is there to make people feel safe and like there is someone watching over them. The keeper of the secret seal however is fully aware of my existence. She is a lovely woman by the name of Lenia. Was the high scout for the kingdom until bureaucracy interfered with that but you can still find her out and about in the woods occasionally, hunting. We need to be in best dress to even get into the palace grounds to deliver our news. We will also be travelling with a full column of the University Guard, just for effect’ he smiled at her and they walked across the square and through the arch. At the gate to the temple they stopped and Dúlra turned to Scath.

‘Thanks for saving me again today’ she said.


‘When we faced the daemon down there I was transfixed you shook me out of it and we got out of there. Had you not done that I dread to think what could have happened’ she replied. He shrugged

‘It was nothing’.

‘I best get my uniform together’ Dúlra said and turned and walked through the gates.

In the temple she made her way straight to the office of the High Inquisitor. She found the door open and Caran sitting waiting for her.

‘I saw you walking across from the university’ she said as Dúlra walked in, closing the door behind her. They sat by the fire and Caran poured them mugs of warm mulled wine. ‘So, what’s all the activity over there in aid of?’ she asked. Dúlra took a long drink and looked at her levelly.

‘It’s war Caran. All the activity is the university guard beginning to mobilise. Tomorrow representatives of the society will be going to the palace to advise the king that its time to muster the army for war’

Caran looked progressively more shocked as Dúlra continued to outline the full situation and the events of the day that had led to the need to prepare the nation for war. She walked over to the bell pull at the side of the fire place and tugged it. She walked over to her desk and scribbled a letter which she sealed with wax and pressed her ring into. Just as she finished there was a knock on the door and her messenger walked in looking sleepy.

‘Take this to Crane as fast as you can’ she said handing the lad the paper. His eyes opened wide with shock but he turned and ran out the door. ‘We need the Lord Abbots assistance here. He’s the only one who can order our troops to war if you think it’s that serious’.

Dúlra looked shocked that the High Inquisitors willingness to enter this battle. ‘I think that if there is a danger of a daemon in an army of evil attacking this nation then we need to be prepared for that and ready to defend. People will take heart if they see the faithful standing against the darkness, don’t you think?’

There was a knock on the door and it opened. The delivery boy stepped in and held the door open. A large man stepped in dressed in black robes. Around his neck were his chains of office, on his belt hung a huge war hammer. Even at this hour of the night looking like he’d just been woken from his bed he was an intimidating man of faith. Both the women in the room stood and bowed deeply.

‘Well Caran’, he said as he walked over to them. ‘What’s all this about going to war with dark elves and daemons’ he blustered settling into a chair. ‘These are very serious things you’re talking about. The temples warriors have not been called to arms in some years now’. The two women sat down again and Caran looked at the abbot.

‘I’m only the messenger in this. Inquisitor Dúlra here is the real source. She has been working, on my orders, with a group called the Society of the Beating Heart. They are responsible for the protection of the nation from a dark elf incursion’. The Abbot nodded.

‘I’m aware of them. I believe they were formed after the wars all those years ago to protect the nation from being caught unawares. I was told this by my predecessor. He also told me that I was to be aware that one day they may call and the method by which it will happen. There is also a code that I’d need from a member before I could react to such a rumour’.

Caran sat there shocked by the revelations that the High Abbot has secrets from her and that he knew about these people in her city when she had never heard of them. Dúlra was looking at him.

‘You have to believe me Father Abbott. There is about to be a battle for the city and the souls of the people within. We need to muster the troops’ she implored. ‘I have to go to a meeting with the king tomorrow to get the rest of the nations’ armies mustered and ready. The university guard are mustering as we speak’.

‘We cannot help without the correct authority’ the abbot said. ‘I’m sorry I just can’t go on with this without that’. Dúlra stared dejectedly at the floor and tried to think. The Abbot stood up. ‘If that is all I am going back to bed’ I’ll speak to you in the morning Caran’. The two women stood and mid bow Dúlra stopped.

‘The Dean says per adua ad binto’ she spluttered excitedly.

‘What did you just say?’ said the abbot turning to look at her

‘The Dean says per adua ad binto’ she replied more levelly. He nodded, walked over to the fire and pulled the bell. The boy arrived a few seconds later.

‘Go to all the captains’ lad, tell them that the Temple is preparing for war and to get their troops mustering and to get to my offices immediately’. The boy stood there stunned for a moment.

‘Sorry sir, could you repeat that’ the boy asked.

‘It’s war lad, and the temple is marching. Get the captains to my offices immediately’ the abbot boomed and the boy practically fell out the door and all that could be heard was the sounds of footsteps running down the corridor outside. A few minutes later the temples bells began to peal and there was the sound of people shouting and running around.

‘Inquisitor Captain Dúlra’ the abbot began.

‘It’s just inquisitor sir’ she replied.

‘Its not now, what do you think Caran?’ he bellowed.

‘Well deserved Captain’ she said smiling and walking over to her desk and started writing. ‘Report to the armoury for new equipment and rank markings, also if you are going before the crowns tomorrow you better get some rest’ she handed Dúlra the letter she just wrote out. ‘Hand that to the quartermaster’. Dúlra bowed low and despite the concerns she felt about the coming war she was elated by the promotion. She walked into the armoury and handed the letter over to the quartermaster who looked very sleepy.

‘Congratulations captain’ he said snapping to attention and saluting. ‘Come in and let’s get you equipped’. Half an hour later Dúlra was walking across the grounds carrying her new uniform and equipment in her arms. She went back to her quarters and stripped. She put on a gown and walked to the bath house at the end of the corridor. After spending some time washing the stench of the sewers and the underground prison and temple off herself she fell into bed exhausted. 
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