Chapter 4

May 31, 2009 13:32

 Chapter 4
Dúlra and Marion sat beside each other in the back row of the Temple of Solas. They preferred it out of the way of the main congregation and meant they could look around at the beautiful architecture that so many others missed becuase they cast their eyes to the floor. On the celing above them was a painted scene of Solas striking at a demon and destroying it in one stroke. This painting had brought given both the hope and resolve to continue their quest to remove the creatures of darkness from the world and to make the world all in all a safer place for people to live. The only soung was of the choir singing praise to Solas in plain song while everyone else contemplated their place. Marion and Dúlra were both contemplating the murders that had happened and what they were going to do about it.

After the service they walked together through the grounds of the temple discussing the discoveries from the previous day again. They had sat up long into the night discussing what each of them had discovered, Dúlra about the case and Marion about the Captain of the watch. This wasnt the first time they had used such tactics to see if they could trust who they were working with and it seemed that Donncha was a well liked and respected captain and that his men seemed eager to please both him and the people that carried the same authority. On their second turn around the gardens they were approached by a novice that was out of breath. Dúlra looked at Marion 'I'm glad I got you as my teacher, you never made me run around' she quipped. The boy bowed low and formally and told them that they were needed in the high inquisitors office again. The pair thanked the boy and changed their course to head to the office. Once more Caran was sitting behind the desk looking concerned. She looked up as the two entered and beckoned them in.

'What have you discovered so far, Hunters?' she enquired formally. They looked at each other and at the High Inquisitor. 'Its only been a day, High Inquisitor' replied Marion bowing, 'there's only so much we can find in that period and part of that is establishing the nature of the watchmen and their people'. Caran stood up, with a gesture she dismissed the novice that sat in her room waiting on her instruction. As the door closed behind him Caran visibly sagged, 'I'm sorry Marion, I know it taked time, do you still split up with one of you staying with the commander and the other talking to the sergeant to see how people feel about him?' she asked relaxing slightly. 'Of course we do Caran, just as you taught me to do when I was your novice' Marion answered. 'The Captain seems to be a good man, considerate and shocked by the things I told him we may have to do to solve this problem. I stayed with him while Dúlra went out to a new scene and to see what his men had to say about him'. 'And the result of that?' She asked turning to where Dúlra sat. 'Well, apart from another pin for your board' she said getting up and walking over to the board, as she picked up a pin she continued. 'The captain seems to be a well regarded officer. I spent some time with a Sergeant Dathai looking at the latest crime scene, that I see you already have marked on your map High Inquisitor?' Dúlra said turning to the women in the room. 'I have more than one source of information, as you may recall that board was full when you arrived back from your last mission' snapped the High Inquisitor with a note of displeasure. 'Of course High Inquisitor. Please forgive a careless comment that was in no way meant to imply anything' retracted Dúlra as she bowed low. Marion scowled at her in the way that she knew that she'd be hearing about it later on. Turning back to Caran, Marion spoke up 'You seem under a lot of pressure on this infestation, Caran. Are you telling us everything that we need to know', she asked tentatively. 'Its just because is so close to home. You know as well as I do that when its miles away in a tiny village no one has heard about the powers that be dont get too interested in how long the process takes. When, however, the merchant classes seem to be the targets in this city a lot of the high and mighty there through the next gate up find there interests getting compromised as people are too scared to aquire goods and their lives get impacted in the small ways they will. A certain spice they couldnt get, a favorite wine, you know the sort. They bring pressure to bear on the abbot and he passes it on to me. I'm sorry for snapping at you both, I know you're doing your best. Keep me informed'. Marion stood up and wordlessly hugged her mentor, they turned and walked out the door, past the novice on the stool down the hall and out into the garden. Marion turned on Dúlra 'Of course she has other people out working, there are agents all over the city watching for corruption in all its forms. What were you thinking? It nearly sounded like you were accusing her of having some involvement with these murders!' Dúlra looked at the ground, 'Sorry Marion, I didnt mean it to sound like that' she replied 'I was just wondering who the other agent is so that we could talk to them and see what they know'. 'I know that you meant well but think before you speak or one day you will get us both into a lot of trouble. Lets get our kit and head out into town and see whats happened over night'. Ten minutes later the two were in their full blacks and fully armed walking through the gate and out to the city. 
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