Oct 24, 2005 08:38
I woke up today to one of those CBC "Out Front" user-made docu-blurbs. It was by a woman who gave up her aspirations to become a translator when she fell in love with the "boy-next-door" and took up a life of cattle ranching. The 10 or so minute thing was all about what she called (I think) "Preg Day" where their 300 or so cows get a vet's arm stuck up them for their troubles to see if they're going to be kept and fed over the winter to produce another walking wad of money or if they'll be sent off to slaughter. The woman kept joking about how the ones who didn't get knocked up would make "good steaks" and then became more serious and talked about how the BSE scare hurt their business and how they're still recovering and can't spare any more cows for slaughter than they have to because of their finances. She said that the most frightened cows would defecate while being rushed up the ramp. In the background, you could hear men and kids yelling at the cows and the sound of large bodies hitting metal as they made their way up planks. The woman described their fear and laughed about how the vet would plunge his arm up to his shoulder to check for signs of pregnancy. It was disgusting to me.
She described how her 12-16 year olds were involved in the process, slapping the cows on the rumps to make them go faster. She seemed particularly proud of one boy's interest in their operation after stating that he used to want to be a concert pianist. She described her daughter as being "interested in animals". That really loads the word "interested", it does.