At one point in time, the Germanic countries (+Hungary -Germany LOLWUT) were a happy little bunch. But then it all began...
with Hungary and Prussia, who decided to have a good time together.
But guess who found out?
Angry Austria is angry... I think.
Even as he slaps Hungary, he's smiling. I thought he was angry... but then again, Roddy has odd ways of displaying his rage.
Case and point. His anger is Chopin, of course.
Now, Switzerland, who owns the house (it's under the name Zwingli after all) decides that DRAMA DO NOT WANT
Prussia's all WAIT but Switz is all NO, BETCH
Hungary: You wouldn't hit a lady, would you?
Switzerland: Justice or chivalry orz what do I pick
Austria: zzzgilbertbeilschmidtmustdiezzz
So, Switz goes to cheer his old friend up the best way he can think of.
... wait what
Uh, there's no more covering the evidence you two. Everyone in the house knows what you did.
Oh, never mind, they were just getting ready for round two
while Austria and Switz go at it
Everything's resolved in some weird messed up way? Way to go, everyone...?
A night's sleep, the best way to blow off steam :D see how amicable Switzerland is now
He's heading to the bathroom. Even though there's an open bathroom on the same side as his room. Hm.
Everything is right again, Liechtenstein finally comes back after hiding in a corner or something and Austria and Prussia are going about their day half-naked (they do that a lot, seriously)!
Randomdisclamerwhat: Everything these sims have done were totally autonomous. Austria really did go straight to the piano after slapping his kinda-wife (I don't actually have them married, because I wanted their last names o-o;).