Fuckoff is not the only thing you have to show.

Jul 06, 1999 15:39

How often do you shave your legs?
Every time I get in the bath/shower.

How many times do you wear a pair of jeans before washing them?
To be honest, I wear 'em until they smell unless there is a stain.

Do you always wash your belly button and behind your ears?

Ever kiss someone who was dating or married to someone else?
Yes, I have. And yes, I knew they were involved with someone.

Ever been paid for sex or a sexual favor?
I have.

Have you ever egged someones house or car?
No. I like to eat eggs.

Last time you washed your car?
Don't have a car.

Have you been fired from a job?
From Urban Planet.

Have you ever had an abortion?

Have you ever stolen something from work or school? If so, What?
Too many things to count. But the best thievery were those fucken delicious ribs that Carlos made.

Have you purposely flirted with a friends crush?
Crush means nothing. Start fucking, then I'll feel slight guilt.

Have your parents ever been in trouble with the law?
Not in the 20 years of my existance.

Have you taken money out of the offering plate at church?
A couple of time.

Ever stolen your neighbor's newspaper?

Have you video taped yourself being naughty?
I have some videos.

Last time you went to a strip club or nudie bar?
Over a year ago.

Have you ever stolen candy from a baby/kid?
They don't need all that goddamn Easter/Halloween sugar!

Are you friends with any strippers?
I used to be, but I just don't hit that scene anymore.

Ever been involved in a hit and run accident?

Have you gotten a DUI or DWI?

Besides bills, what do you spend most your money on?
Cigs and food.

Ever stolen someone's lawn ornaments or decorations?
Not to my recollection.

Have you ever done anything vile to someone's toothbrush?

Ever trespassed on private property?

Have you kissed a girl, and you liked it?
I'm a lesbian, what do you think?

Who was the last person you talked to on the telephone?
Cecilia, I think.

What were you doing at 7am?
Sleeping in.

What was the reason you last cried?
My bipolar kicking in for no apparent reason.

What was the last movie you saw in theater and with who?
I saw Indiana Jones with my parents.

Have you ever driven without a license?

What did you do last night?
Went to a fireworks thing, but go too overheated and had to leave.

What are you doing tonight?
Attending a meeting.

Is anyone on your bad side right now?
There's always someone.

Do you clean when you’re upset?
Depends on my mania.

Last text is from:

How you do you feel about that person?
Angry, annoyed, begrudging... must I continue?

Would you ever dye your hair blonde?
I'm a natural blonde... Not sure if I'll go back that way or not.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?
About 30? I've gotten rid of a lot.

Had your heart broken recently?
That's a funny one!

Do you know anyone who is pregnant?
My girl April is going to have a boy!

Can you make brownies without having to look at the directions?
Homemade is the best.

Do you still talk to the person you kissed last?

Any plans for tomorrow?
Not really.

Who is your last myspace message from, and what's it about?
Sami, about the fireworks.

Do you usually tell people when they hurt your feelings?
I tend to be too honest, too often.

Where is the last place you went to go eat?
PSH. I'm starved. Its been nothing but Ramen Noodles lately.

Have you bought any clothing items in the past week?
Nope. I need to... nothing fits. But I have no money.

When you look at your cell phone do you usually have a message?
I don't know.

Do you have your own personal diary?
Yes and a blog.

What's on your mind right now?

How have you felt today?
Sick and in need of a smoke.

Are you friends with your most recent ex?
Depends on the day.

Next vacation?
Don't I wish.

How old do you look?
Depends on the day. I've been called every age between 17 and 30.

Are you in love?
What's love got to do, got to do with it?

Does anyone hate you?
Of course!

Are you happy with life?
I'm working on it.

Can you handle the truth?
I want nothing but the truth, no matter what.

Did you cry today?

Who knows your biggest secret?
Me, myself, and I.

! whatever

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