May 25, 2004 20:12

oh my goodness i have never been this bored before. Once again Clay is tired so he's taking some sleeping pills and going to sleep which kind of ruined my plans for the evening, but oh well i love him and he's great. Anyways, i called Jen to see what she was up to but she's going to D&B with her friends, i was invited but i'm lacking cash, so yeah couldn't go. I asked Cassie to hang out but she has no money as well and we couldn't think of anything else to do. I'm thinking of just staying here at ashley's place and hanging out with her for the evening. It won't be that bad. We could just watch a movie. Anyways, i apologized to Donni for everything i said. Now Chris and I aren't talking so it's all gravy. HA i need to grow up, i know i do, but when i want to i will. If anything Chris needs to grow up before he starts telling everyone else to grow up. Oh well i'm done with all that. It's over and done with. I don't care anymore. So long as the drama has ended i'm all peachy. LATER
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