Jul 27, 2005 21:47
Mm. After a rotten day, I'm happy to report that my flight to Baltimore is FINALLY BOOKED and I just preregistered (at no signifigant savings whatsoever) my Otakon 2005 badge. YES. Now, if I could get off my ass and finish my obi for my last costume, I would be completely prepared to fly out to Baltimore to see my BELOVED FAITHY!! Holy crap, I'm excited.
Today sucked in that I had a doctors appointment. Here I was told I wouldn't need any shots - I ended up having to get TWO OF THEM. One in each arm, and they are both sore right now. As it turns out, I also have to go back in another month to have the second in a series of three shots, which blows. It was just a horrible doctor's visit all around. I'm not dying or anything, but it's always somehow degrading to sit around for an hour in a hospital gown. Y'know, half naked. ::sigh:: Anywhere but a hospital, I'd be fine.
In other news...
We, Human Sushi, have decided that we're going to pool our funds and buy ourselves a sweet camper. We're going to travel the country in said camper wiith our sewing machine and costume racks, and not have to pay for hotels. Zach has informed us that gas prices for said vehicle are obscene compaired to hotels, but damnit, can you picture us driving down the highway in our sweet Human Sushi camper? I mean, we'd paint it and everything, too... chibi Jai/Abby/Sara's wrapped in seaweed and served on seasoned riceballs... it'd be amazing!
... I need to stop ... thinking.
My FMA v.4 DVD is skipping badly. And the sound is blipping out all over the place. I was watching episode 14, and Scar was making some dark and brooding monologue about God, and all the sudden, there was no sound. Hm. That was sort of... anticlimactic. I was rather upset. Alas.
Oh. And every time I hear the bass line to "Melissa" by Porno Graffiti, I melt... the good melt. Not the bad melting like right now, where it's 105 bajillion degrees outside and the fans aren't doing ANYTHING. That's all I have to say about THAT.