Title: Never Rained like It Has Tonight (Or, Twenty Things about Nelson & Murdock, Attorneys at Law)
Fandom: Daredevil (blend of comics and movieverse)
Characters: Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock, gen
Rating: PG-13 for language
Word count: ~3500
Summary: There's a lot they don't tell each other. Then again, there's a lot they don't need to.
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I really like the dynamic, especially that seen from Foggy's POV
I adore the dynamic between them. Movieverse, comicverse, writing them... I 'ping' for a fandom, for some reason, when two (usually adult, not teenage) male characters are close. And not as a slash thing, necessarily. I just...really enjoy reading/writing male friends. God knows why.
I'm glad Foggy's POV worked for you. He's fun to write.
the way Matt can jerk him out of self-pity when he feels it
*laughs* I think they both get plenty of practice doing this. Pulling one another out of Moods, in general. One of my favorite exchanges between them ever is sometime during Bendis' run, after Matt has been outed, and they're both bitching, and then one of them is like, "Don't have a tizzy in the middle of my snotty!" And then the other goes, "Don't have a snotty in the middle of my tizzy!" So funny, and so them.
Plus all the little, very concrete touches
Making that stuff up is the best part! *g*
Again, thanks for commenting. :)
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