(no subject)

Oct 05, 2008 05:51

So, it seeems I just type what I want to say into this keysboard, and the words are stored on this light device. This isd a clever machine.
It was very good to talk to Albus again. I know he has been so busy. I wisdh I could help him. Poppy is a dear friend, but sometimes I am sure she errs too much on the side of cxaution. I feel perfectly fine! There's a aslight problem with my left hand, but it is nothing I cannot deasl with myself. No reason at all tto be kept in this confinement. It's ridiculous.
I haven't seen any newspaapers. This is most frustrating. I want to know what happened!
There must be something terrible they aren't telling me. Albus said that talking to people on this device might help, but I honeestly don't see how. A decent newspaper, thatts what I need. A copy of the Prophet, and a nice cup of tea. I don't need any help. There's nothing wrong with me!
Wizards... They do fuss far too much don't they?
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