Bugger :(

Sep 24, 2007 17:24

As you may or may not remember they have been outsourcing everything that isn't nailed down at work. Half of my team is now based in India with 3 of us left in the UK. Up to now all of the on call work is done from the UK. We found out today that:

1, They want to merge the 3 UK people with 1 remaining person in another team and share the 2 teams work. In reality it means that the 3 UK people currently in my team are going to take on a whole other department and 1 useless git. Oh and we get their f**king useless Indian manager who is currently in the UK (he is just an empty chair basically).

2, The oncall is being passed over to the Indian members of our team. Now these guys mean well but they have no experience and can't manage for 5 minutes without bugging the UK people for answers. There is no f***ing way they can handle oncall.  I suspect there will be an expectation that the UK people will make themselves available to bail the Indians out. They know where they can stick that...  I have to admit I'm really depressed about this as it means a 25% pay cut. I'm trying to think positive as it means my time outside work will be my own and if I choose to setup a massage practice it will be easier. The 25% pay cut is still a serious bummer though.

3, Essentially this means a lot of the fun is going to be sucked out of my job and I'm going to spend all my time cleaning up after the Indians and making excuses for their fuckups.

I'm trying hard to put a non negative spin on this but its really not easy and I am really bummed out about this. We aren't even going to be offered redundancy. Moving to another company is an option but I do a lot of the saving/share schemes at work so moving to another company even at the same wage would probably mean another serious cut in income. I think I'm going to have to look around for something else at the office. I can probably find something but I doubt its going to be as enjoyable as whats being taken away now.
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