Even if you have green lasers, I'll still kick your ass.

Jan 31, 2005 22:06

Yeah, so I got a little bored when Jon took the comp for his turn tonight, so I decided to suck it up and beat the level in Robotech: Battlecry that's been kicking my ass for the past few days. For future reference, the BattlePods AI isnt exactly Hawkins level, and all you have to do is hop up and down from behind some rubble to ruin the Zentrati. Then this big officer idiot attacks in the next level, and at first hes kicking my ass because I'm trying to stay back and dodge his green lasers, which take out like a fourth of your health. After about four rounds of getting the crap kicked out of my Veritech, I got pissed, and rushed him. Turns out, big Zentrati officer assholes can't turn very fast, and my little Veritech can literally fly circles around them. So yeah, even running away and using big green lasers won't let you survive the wrath of Jack the Giant Killer.
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