
Nov 24, 2008 10:11

So work took its toll by the end of last week and come Friday night I more or less collapsed into a minor coma for 12 hours! I’ve been told that hopefully this extra-office work should curtail and that it is being appreciated, but it’s just leaving me haggard at the moment. The other pain is that between that and not having an inking gig now I’ve slipped on the work rate and have found myself hitting a bit of a creative wall - I tried picking up a pencil but, as ever, was annoyed and disheartened at the crap I was drawing. I even tried breaking down a really nice Spider-man 3 pager (even falling back on an old fav didn’t help) and found myself incapable of making the basic decisions on panel layout as I was questioning it all way too much. In short, I’ve lost my mojo for the time being. Gay.

I also worked out, after having recharged my printer inks and printing my own bluelines for the first time in ages, that you can’t ink wash over inkjet prints. I’ve started inking a Ms. Marvel page by Heubert Michael (guy who’s Thor and Batman page I’ve inked) and it’s been going nicely - aside from the whole areas I’ve had to white out to remove the smudgy crap from the washes. Hopefully I’ll get that sorted tonight.

I think perhaps the reason that I’m enjoying inking so much is that there is very much an element of not having to think so much about the creative element - it just flows, as opposed to the constant questioning whilst pencilling. Oy vey. One of the pain in the ass things I realised while I was trying to thumb this Spidey story was that there is soooooo much I am not comfortable drawing or just flat out don’t know how to draw, which makes me wonder whether it’d ever be possible for me to make it as an artist proper - does everyone else have that or is it just me? Man, I hate whinging....

But wasn't it cool that ITV played the original version of Empire Strikes Back last night? and then Channel 5 showed MiB - Cheezy, but a good fun film :)

And finally...On a lighter note, Charlene and I bought each other an early Xmas present in the form of a new TV (replacing the one that was making so much noise it was about to asplode) so we’ve been playing the Nintendo Wii I swapped for my Xbox (for a month or so) - Indiana Jones Lego is fun, as is Mario Kart. Gonna give Zelda a go this week, then more Res Evil 4 (though that’s really not that scary..) - Although tbh I now want my Xbox back as the TV is HDMI at 1080p and I really want to play Dead Space, Gears of War 2 and Fallout 3.

I’ll never get any artwork done again!

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