Pencils by Heubert Khan Michael - Had A LOT of fun inking this, could go into a blow by blow on it but I'll resist. Favourite part was definately inking Harley Quinn, I got into the zone a bit with a brush and am really pleased with how she's come out - also quite like the Joker and Scarecrow, even though I felt I rushed Scarecrow a bit towards the end. Was my intention to try and ink mostly with a brush, but about 30 mins in I think I chickened out and switched to quill - all in all was about 70% quill, 30% brush - learned a lot for next time here - total about 12 hrs. Comments and crits as ever greatly appreciated guys :-)
I think I'm gonna re-watch Dark Knight this evening and give it another chance, see if it's better second time round as I really want to like it - We'll see I guess.
Right, onto a Mike Deodato ASM page!