Traffic. Sucks. Ass.

Jun 05, 2008 10:05

2 and 1/4 hrs to get to work this morning. Stupid lorries breaking down.

At least it's sunny! lol

Well after 3 attempts to stretch this watercolour paper failing (one side keeps coming un-gummed) I started ink washing anyway, and have concluded 2 things:

1. This was NOT a good idea.
2. I dislike watercolour paper immensely!

At least I've still got my enlarged rough that I lighboxed, I think if I'm going to do the ink wash routine I need to use cartridge paper like I did for Iron Man - I found pencilling on the toothy watercolour paper hard enough (and I'm not changing my pencil hardness again - 2H-3H suits me FINE!) so lord knows what inking on this crap would be like.

But, I've got the ideas sorted now for the exhibition so I need to try and get some of these rolled out, and I'm also capitalising on one of these contacts from yesterday in that JP, the WORDMONGERERER himself, is jotting me a SciFi short for an anthology submission. I gotta say that I'm really looking forward to doing a sequential again - I feel I've been doing so much exercise artwork of late and pinups that I'm really looking forward to sinking my teeth into some sequential story telling of more than one page.

Right, late to work, so I'd best get started!

watercolour paper, collaboration, exhibition, traffic

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