i love my friends <3

Dec 22, 2009 15:31

honestly i'm not quite sure how i managed to get myself titled as thus but both my bestest friends decided that I am their very own personal Castiel. lol. i love you guys!! <3<3<3

this is the message i woke up to on facebook yesterday:  
  Like Dean Winchester, I do occasionally require four hours of sleep. Given the significant lack of it during finals, and the crack-of-dawn wake-up calls after staying up late expressly for the purpose of entertaining you . . . I needed it then. Sorry for the inconvenience, Cas. Could you pop in in the morning?

Kiken you're awesome. <3

and so Kiken has become my Dean and Kat is my Sam and they are my very own personal Winchesters! yeah i know it sounds nuts.

also there was a whole text message conversation on this subject with Kat last night. which started out perfectly normal. well as normal as a conversation about her being my Sam can be...  And somehow it ended with "your argument is invalid. Samifer is too good for human bitches." WTF!?!?! my brain is cracked i think.

i totally want an icon that says that now. lol

Also. my cats are now unstoned! YAY!


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