Some News, and some Recs.

Jul 30, 2012 09:29

It feels as though it's hardly been any time since I switched from just lurking to actually posting work online, but recently I haven’t been posting here, or working on anything new except the little pieces going up over on comicdrabbles. This is partially a lack of inspiration, and mostly a lack of time. After living in the same apartment for 7 years, I am moving to a new place, in a new state, on a new coast, in about a week. EEP. Yeah, I’m likely to be a bit MIA for the next few weeks.

So, I’m getting ready to possibly not have internet for a bit and spend hours in airports and in flight, so I’m loading up my ereader with books and with fic. I was so excited a while back when I discovered the happy little links on AO3 to download e-reader ready copies of fanfic!

It feels silly to bother to download and transfer short pieces, so ideally I want something good that’s also long.

Two pieces that are awesome and lengthy enough to earn a spot on my Kindle:

Music of the Spheres, mithen’s Batman Begins/Superman Returns EPIC. Broken up into lovely mini-arcs, the whole story is over 150 THOUSAND words, which would be a serious brick if printed out. It’s impressive and awesome.
AO3 link here:

scifigrl47 has a recent Avengers series called In Which Tony Stark Builds Himself Some Friends (But His Family Was Assigned by Nick Fury). There are typos here and there, but I found it so sweet and zany overall that I’ll overlook them. The first two pieces are a decent length, but the third piece, Four (Or Five) Reasons for Kidnapping Tony Stark is a good 80 thousand words, and it’s all simply delightful.
Link to series:

If anyone has other suggestions for e-reader worthy pieces, (in DC, Marvel, Dark Tower, Dragonlance, Sherlock, Bab5, Star Trek, etc...) please let me know! :)

Off to pack more boxes....

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