It's official people.

Aug 30, 2008 14:21

Today, I found the official "World's Dumbest Abortion Bumpersticker." I know there's many stupid anti-choice stickers roaming the streets, plastered to the back of cars, forcing our eyes to roll skywards. But this one is special. Are you ready?

"My son survived Roe vs. Wade."

As we are all aware, when Roe vs Wade was decided by the US Supreme Court in 1973, Planned Parenthood's doctors took to roaming the streets in their newly minted  "Abortion Mobiles". Upon sighting the blossoming belly of an expectant mother, they'd pull over, force her into the van where they'd abort her child against her will. Thank Jesus this woman was able to waddle away from those monsters fast enough to escape their forceps of death, despite her swollen ankles and craving for the pistachio ice-cream the nurses tried to lure her with.

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