I'm gonna do an update on my life, using the good ol'
Maslow's hierarchy. Each cut will climb the pyramid just a little higher.
Physiological needs:
I need to stop eating junky and exercise more. I had to go to the doctor for some stuff, he said I don't drink enough water, and need more fiber. I'm working on that, and it looks like Farron and I are gonna pick up South Beach again. Which is a damned shame, because I just rekindled my love for rice. But hey, it does work for us, and I forget how well I ate last time we did it.
Safety needs:
Totally financially insecure. Been unemployed for three months. Did some interviews, but I wasn't a good fit. If this keeps up, I may have to lose the house. But enough of the doom talk, I've still got some pending applications, and if I can get the wage I'm asking for, this ol' boat will totally turn around. Otherwise, for the most part, everybody's healthy and happy, especially baby.
Love and belonging:
This I have in spades right now. I love my wife and kids, and I'm at least happy I get to spend so much time with them right now. My baby smiles at me now, and I love spending time with her. I miss my friends a bunch, I got far too used to seeing them mainly at work. Once I feel less tethered to the house and can get out for an evening or two, I'll be sure to stretch my social wings once again.
Right now I feel like I'm a fantastic person, it's just that the cosmos doesn't believe me. It's amazing how much a man's identity can be tied into his job, or what he creates. This has been a ride of peaks and deep valleys lately. Right now I'm doing okay, but as soon as I start thinking about how this unemployment train is gonna run out of track, I panic and feel shitty about myself.
My comics are great. I love my artwork right now. I'm putting out a book. I have two conventions in the next three months. I miss karate and running, but I'm going to pick up both of these things again soon. I'm re-reading one of my favorite novels. I'm writing bits of fiction. I like making up games with my daughter. I'm also interested in doing some landscaping, since my time around the house is mostly labor-abled. I'll see if I can get some nifty stuff going before the snow rolls in, so next spring I'll have a nice yard for my family, both front and back.
So there we have it. My pyramid is a little concave. I have some huge gaps in the middle, but the top and bottom are great.