Accidents happen, they take people....Mishaps of the Day

May 18, 2004 16:11

I started by deciding to make a cool sign for the outdoors club we we are planning. I thought that it would be a cool effect if I burned the paper that the sign is made of.

I used a candle on my dinner table, but it was too far melted into the holder. So I went to my room and used a different candle. Everything was fine until the paper shot up into flames. Noting that my trash can was full past the brim of paper products, and remembering well what happened last time, I decided NOT to throw the paper into my trash can. Instead, I headed towards that bathroom, but the paper soon became so hot that I had to drop it onto the floor. Fortunately polished wood doesn't seem to burn well. I'm just glad that my floor isn't carpeted--then there would be a REAL problem.

Determined not to give up, I moved my candle back to the dinner table and tried again. Then my dad came home, told me to move all of the loose papers around me and not to set fire to anything, and went upstairs to take a nap. So of course I had to be disobedient and set fire to yet another sheet of paper--it was an accident, I promise! I was near a sink, so it was okay...

Next I moved my stuff outside (onto the wooden deck) with a third piece of paper. Less than a minute later, it started to rain. I think it was a sign...

I went back inside and continued to paper-burn for a while, and then went back outside (but on the concrete this time) once it became sunny again. 1-2 minutes later, I felt some water dropping on me. I think it was from the trees overhead. This happened several times, but luckily I was a bit sheltered by the garage roof. I accidentally got mud all over my shoes, so I kicked them to get it off. It came off, but flew into the air and landed back onto my clothes. My candle eventually burned out, so I went back inside and decided that I was finished.

Even though this incident was one of the stupidest things I've done in a while, I think I'll say that it was determination to boost my self-esteem.

Oh man--I totally forgot to check the clock for when it was 3:08!!!
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