What a weekend...

Oct 31, 2005 20:37

What an awesome Halloween weekend. Alright let's escalate that to fabulous. Wait, which is actually considered better? Awesome or Fabulous? Oh well. I had everything from a lack of class, positive appointment with the doctor, sweet party, to an incredible football game...

It started Friday, where I didn't have Math class due to the fact I took my test on Thursday and therefore didn't have to attend class the following day. That was followed by an appointment with my neurologist that got the ball rolling on something I'm not yet ready to discuss with anyone else. But it's rolling nonetheless, and that's what I wanted. Then there was the Halloween party at Julie's house. This thing was full of good stuff. Now, granted, the o-ring on the tap was probably broken by the drunken idiot, who showed up an hour early at 9:00 and thus shall remain nameless, while taking it upon himself to tap the keg with no one else there. So therefore no one really got any beer all night unless they brought it himself. It was quite interesting though watching the guys turn the keg upside down, set it on bricks, and attempt to pour beer into pitchers. They did get two or three pitchers out of it. So props to them for that. Since it was a Halloween party, costumes definitely played a key role in the festivities. Let's see if I can recall, in no specific order, some of the more prominent fashion choices. There was a super sperm, the Big Bad Wolf complete with Little Red Riding Hood, the angel of death, a pirate, Hansel and Gretel, a candy striper and doctor, Minnie Mouse, a vampire, a one night stand, an 80s couple, an assassin, and Alice In Wonderland with the White Rabbit. Yes, everyone, I was the White Rabbit. Insert homosexual jokes here. I'll be sure to get some pictures to everyone in whatever way I can.

I somehow was able to drag myself out of bed the following morning and worked for 12 hours on exactly three hours of sleep. So, to get straight to the point, Saturday was a long fucking day. I followed work by coming right back to Julie's and going straight to bed, only to be woken up like an hour later by Peggy calling my cell phone wanting to know if I was at Amanda's. Trust me, I would have gone to Amanda's if my legs didn't feel like I had just run a 5k. Yeah I could barely make it to my phone, much less flip it open to talk.

I don't think I could have come up with a much better ending to the weekend than how yesterday rolled along. Well maybe I could, but not a realistic one. Anyway, it was time for the Bengals vs. Packers, so we headed up to Pete's apartment in Clifton for a little pre-game tailgating (if you could call it that). We cooked up some burgers and hot dogs on the grill behind his apartment and bs'd for a couple hours before heading downtown. Now, this is why I love football. The fans. In absolutely no other sport are fans as passionate or loyal as football. It doesn't matter whether it's the professional or collegiate level. Sunday was a meeting between two teams with their own chants. "WHO DEY! WHO DEY! WHO DEY!" vs. "Go Pack Go! Go Pack Go!" Sometimes fans battle for the most creative way of showing their allegiance. There was a Bengals fan dressed as an orange and black Star Wars Imperial stormtrooper, a guy dressed in a full tiger suit that must have been hot as hell, and three Green Bay fans wearing green body suits, yellow tighty-whiteys, yellow capes, and yellow hard-hats with beer cans and straws on each side leading from the can holes to their mouths. And of course there was the asshole sitting two rows in front of us with the Packers helmet tattooed on his left bicep. That leads me to my next topic. Keith Gregory and I were on this guy and his bitch wife from the moment we sat down. This is what you get for coming into a hostile environment and decide to root for the visiting team. Now, I'll give them props for staying faithful to wherever the hell he came from and showing his Green Bay spirit. But Keith and I attained our objective in driving these two out of the stadium after jawing back and forth with, of course, some help from those around us. It's just something so new and different to be on the bragging end of a winning football team and be able to harass visiting fans that way. And to see them up and leave because of us simply made my day.

Staying with the Bengals, who won 21-14 by the way, I truly wanted to see Brett Favre play in person before the future Hall of Famer hangs it up. And I was really excited to have that opportunity. But I really didn't want to see this. I know the Bengals are probably the better team, despite all of GB's injuries, but to watch Favre get picked off five times was just not how I wanted to see him play. Even if it meant seeing a loss on the Bengals behalf, I just didn't want to walk out of the stadium thinking, "Man, Brett Favre just threw five interceptions."

That about does it. Reality set back in when I had to head back home last night for the first time since Friday afternoon, having spent the entire weekend at Julie's. Peace out for now, my homeys.
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