A little bit of this and a little bit of that.

Jan 18, 2008 18:12

Quite possibly this has been the ULTIMATE week from hell in all its capslock glory. Not only has work and the weather kicked my ass but after finally, FINALLY falling asleep at the crack of 5 this morning my fucking phone woke up me up at the glorious hour of 9:55 a.m. Usually I do unplug it, but last night/very early this morning when I knuckle-dragged myself home from work I totally forgot to do it. Needless to say, the person on the other end - an old high school buddy who just friggin' knows better than to call so early - got a big blast of shit from yours truly.

Oh yes, I can be one cranky bitch when necessary.

However, on a lighter (especially my wallet) note: I purchased a snazzy new maroon RED sofa today! While my current sofa still has more than a few miles left on it, after closer inspection (I usually keep a tastefully arranged throw over it) it looks terribly shabby due to my cats' scritchy-scratchy ways. So much so that I'd be embarrassed for anyone to even look at it, much less park their keister on a cushion.

It's scheduled to be delivered next Saturday so only one more week of old brownie.

perfect for a friday night, justin gaston, so very hot, guh, hawt menz fridays

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