
Dec 21, 2007 22:25

Born and bred in British Columbia, Canada, our tenth installment of The 12 Days of Hawt Menz features a former hockey player turned model who found even greater success on the small screen.

From the shores of Okanagan Lake, home of the elusive Ogopogo lake monster:

Dark, brooding and dead sexy.

Canada's national winter hat: The toque!

From the less than memorable movie The Covenant (with the exception of Taylor wearing teensie swim trunks, of course!)

Sweet Christ. I could stare at his body for hours.

He really does have the most stunningly beautiful eyes of all.

Uhh... where was I again?

Missed a day? Follow the link(s) to catch up:
Day 1, model Andrew Cooper
Day 2, model Andrew Smith
Day 3, model Bartek Borowiec
Day 4, actor Hayden Christensen
Day 5, actor Justin Chatwin
Day 6, model Justin Gaston
Day 7, model Louis Prades
Day 8, model Mathias Lauridsen
Day 9, model Michael Gandolfi (NWS)

The standard disclaimer: Image-heavy post for dial-up users; possibly NWS. All views and opinions expressed in the 12 Days of Hawt Menz are strictly those of tarotemp and nightfalltwen.

bestest christmas present ever!, the gift that keeps on giving, the cult of kitsch, the 12 days of hawt menz

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