ZOMG! Total geek love!

Nov 03, 2005 13:50

A co-worker just brought in a Darth Vadar mask to show around the office (that she recently purchased for her son for Christmas) And, being the complete Star Wars goon that I am, I poked my nose into the conversation to check it out.

It was signed by a good many of the cast from Revenge of the Sith: including Christopher Lee, Samuel L. Jackson, Frank Oz, Natalie Portman, the dude who played C3PO, Ewan MacGregor and Hayden Christensen...

Everybodies' signatures were all a bit "Hollywood" messy.

Except for Hayden's...

His was perfect and totally wonderful.

Obviously I need to get out more if I'm contemplating fondling signed objects that don't belong to me.


so what if i think his signature is nice, is that so wrong?

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