praxyn: OH MY GOD
tarotemp: WHAT?
praxyn: tarotemp: o.O
praxyn: I KNOW.
praxyn: Best part though is the bit at the bottom LOL
tarotemp: Reflective vagina LOL
praxyn: I know!
tarotemp: 'The perfect vagina is something that's not a vagina at all'
tarotemp: PRICELESS
praxyn: LOL
tarotemp: People are insane
tarotemp: Seriously
praxyn: YUP
tarotemp: Talk about a first world woe
tarotemp: India should worry about their massive overpopulation and lack of clean water.
tarotemp: For a start
praxyn: Maybe their water isn't clean because all the dirty vaginas bathe in it?
tarotemp: HAHAHAAAA *dies*
tarotemp: And the cows. THEIR POOP IS TO BLAME!