
Feb 15, 2012 17:58

Day 19 of the flu/cold/plague from Hell. Although I am over the "worst" symptoms, I've still got a nagging cough that appears mostly at night when I'm trying to sleep and randomly losing my voice at the most inappropriate times (I'm convinced it's from all the hacking and coughing for weeks on end - my throat definitely feels like it's been damaged). I could probably do with another round of antibiotics and whatnot, but I'm not digging the idea of forking more money over to a doctor. Ah well. Suck it up, cupcake.

In other, less craptacular news: Today marks the birth of astronomer Galileo Galilei. He had a lot of run-ins with the Catholic church over topics like whether or not the Sun was the center of our solar system and if the Earth did indeed rotate around said fireball. Imagine, someone actually believing our little planet isn't the end-all and be-all of the universe. Poppycock, I tell you!

And in my mixer right now is the beginnings of a loaf of homemade Sunflower Oatmeal bread. It is deeeeelicious!

good eats, the icon says it all, randoms

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