Two Zero One One

Jan 01, 2011 16:32

I am so very happy to see the friggin' back end of 2010, it's not even funny, folks. Two thousand and ten had some good moments - real good, in fact, but most of it I'd rather not even think about. My mom spent the early part of last year in ICU at Jefferson Neuroscience Hospital due to an aneurysm and a couple of strokes. She's doing a lot better now, but she'll never be the same again. I don't believe anyone in my family will ever be the same again.

The past year saw me jumping from the not-for-profit world to self-employment webmaster stuff. While I do like working in my pajamas, there's sometimes more distractions around the house (like the cats, phone calls, people ringing the doorbell, etc.) than I care for.

I read 44 books in 2010, which is pretty awesome. I hope to top that number in 2011.

As for this new year... I hope to keep on knitting, and reading, trying new recipes and just being a better person. Oh, and seeing more bands live in concert. Already we've got tickets to see RUSH in April in Baltimore.

I'm also pondering NaNoWriMo next November if I can manage it. And participating in adventdrabbles. I wanted to do it in December but I didn't discover the community until it was really too late.

I'll be doing my usual knitting for charity, like donating handmade hats to the local homeless shelters and perhaps Caps for Good if ye olde work schedule allows it.

life is what you make of it, my first post of 2011, fiber art

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