Reflections on being 41

Aug 20, 2010 15:59

I know it's Friday and I do plan on posting another edition of Hawt Menz sometime before the end of the day. However, before that happens I want to fill this particular entry with randoms:

  • As far as birthdays go, this one went pretty well. Very low-key, which is what I wanted. Forty-one is not a milestone except that now I'm technically in my forties. (Apparently 40 is much like a new millennium. The first year doesn't count.)
  • I got some nice gifts, too. And cake. Cake is good. Especially if it's double chocolate cake. Yes, yes.
  • And next year I get to be the answer to life, the universe and everything. 42. Pretty sweet.
  • After my first ever Brave Combo experience last weekend, I think I'd like to give waltzing or polka a try. Now, I'm a total spazz at this sort of thing. I fumbled my way through the Chicken Dance (who knew flapping your arms and shaking your butt and clapping in time with everyone else took so much effort???) so there's a pretty good chance I might end up in traction if I attempt said dancing moves.

  • Although, if granny and grampy can hump it around the dance floor and not break a hip, I should be able to manage, right...?

  • I explained to my 60-year-old boss the meaning of tl;dr yesterday. She thought it was the best (and funniest) thing ever and plans to use it in conversation as soon as she can slip it in somewhere. LOL.
  • And The Big Bang Theory is the best show out there. If you aren't watching it, YOU DAMN WELL SHOULD BE.

birthdays, life is what you make of it, big bang theory, sheldon pwns you all

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