I am so very behind with LJ... However!

Dec 07, 2009 22:11

I am caught up with sending out Christmas cards (in the mail this afternoon as a matter of fact). And, since I'm seeing a' plenty of "last call" and various other holiday card reminders on my mighty f-list, I thought I'd do the same (since I had to go out and buy more cards today because apparently I cannot count).

So go here, and add your address if you care to

Despite a very recent medical emergency that laid me up for a short while - yeah, I'm being cryptic but it's one of those need-to-know situations only, folks - it looks like I'll be able to make my Dec. 11 deadline to donate knitted hats and scarves to the local homeless shelter. Not as many as I wanted to get done but I figure I have a good excuse right now.

We got our first *cough* "snow storm" of the season here in Maryland on Saturday. Or, what the panicky ninnies 'round these parts like to think was a storm (a whopping 4 inches that was gone by midday Sunday). Much flailing and bad driving ensued by the locals during said snowfall, of course. Gotta have all the staples - milk, bread, toilet paper - because heaven knows what will happen if a household isn't fully stocked with double-strength, super-duper Charmin and moo juice.

life is what you make of it, knitting for a good cause, christmas is just around the corner

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