Christ. Will it ever end?

Feb 23, 2009 19:01

Oh, Mother Nature, I am officially SICK OF WINTER. Yes, you heard right. After the foot-and-a-half of white stuff on top of 3 or so feet already in my backyard, Miss "living in the land of 10 months of winter and 2 months of hard sledding" is officially throwing up her hands and giving up.

*le sigh*

That said, I find it really amusing/sad/bizarre that after wandering around on Facebook last night, I discovered how, nearly 22 years after I graduated high school (class of '87!) a lot of my old classmates hit a wall at about 90 MPH. Seriously. I was literally boggling at how incredibly bad some of these people aged. Is it their lifestyles or bad genetics or just not giving a shit anymore that is the cause? I mean... I was your typical ugly duckling in high school: an awkward, shy misfit who hung out with the D&D gaming crowd. Never got asked to prom or participated in any of that "school spirit" rubbish. My best friend was gay, I wore a lot of black and listened to obscure punk and new wave music. Not much has changed since. I was borderline Emo before there was even such a word.

Seeing them now, and looking at myself in the mirror, I cannot help but think that in the end I was the one that somehow got the last laugh. Me. The girl who kept her figure, kept the weight down (I weigh less than I did back then), and can pass for 10 years younger in a pinch.

And you know what? It feels fucking GREAT.

Speaking of the past, for some reason I'm getting friended on FB by people I used to work with back in Maryland in the mid '90s. It's like old home week or something. *cackles*

life in maine, life is what you make of it, it's shaun!, pwned by his blue blue eyes

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