That's Captain Beefcake to you

Dec 16, 2008 16:42

Today's featured face in the 12 Days of Hawt Menz is our first openly gay performer. He is not only a singer, television presenter, stage actor and dancer, but is probably most known for his portrayal of time agent Captain Jack Harkness on the long-running British series Doctor Who and its successful spinoff Torchwood.

Missed a day? Follow the link(s) to catch up:
Day 1, actor Ben Barnes
Day 2, actor Brendan Fraser
Day 3, model Caleb Lane
Day 4, model Jacey Elthalion (NWS)

The standard disclaimer: Image-heavy post for dial-up users; possibly NWS. All views and opinions expressed in the 12 Days of Hawt Menz are strictly those of tarotemp and nightfalltwen.

bestest christmas present ever!, the gift that keeps on giving, john barrowman, the 12 days of hawt menz

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