I was scrolling through my tumblr blog earlier and this picture came up. I just HAD to save it and make a blog regarding this little message because this has really resonated with me personally this week.
Do you guys ever find yourselves faced with 2 personalities? 1 for the strict people in your life (usually family) and 1 for the friends in your life? For YEARS I have struggled with carrying 2 personalities, 2 faces, 2 minds. Let me tell you: IT IS FUCKING STRESSFUL.
My family background is mega protestant - born again Christian background. I am NOT knocking the denomination, but I will say this: their way of putting me down for my open mind and colourful way of wanting to think and live my life has turned me off towards THEM (certain family members). I am a Catholic who LOVES God, but I also LOVE practicing witchcraft as a means of expressing my faith. I also have an intense interest in TAROT. This is where my "2nd personality" comes in. My family does not know of my practice of witchcraft, Tarot, and love for the occult. I choose not to share this piece of my life with them because of the way they dealt with my conversion to the Catholic church. If they couldn't handle my switching denominations even though we are still serving the SAME GOD, then how would they handle me wanting to become a professional Tarot reader and practicing witchcraft? HA!!!!
I am sharing this bit of information with you guys because I want to spark some sort of inspiration in someone who may read this OR shed comfort upon a heart of someone going through the same thing I did/am.
BE YOURSELF. I am learning this on a daily basis. I am 28 years old and I find it unfortunate that I must resort to "hiding" pieces of my life from people simply because they would fail to understand let alone accept. I have no problem keeping a portion of myself a secret, but I do have a problem not allowing myself to bloom to my full potential because of the opinions of others around me. That I will no longer allow because I allowed it for a long time. All it did make me depressed and confused and just feeling like I was constantly searching for something I knew was there all along but too afraid to dive deeper into it.
I love everything about myself right now. I love the fact that lately I have been allowing myself to grow and take part in things I LOVE. I am no longer pausing my life for others. I am no longer caring what others might think of me. I don't care. I am doing what I want because I deserve to live my life to its full potential!