Shipping meme from quirky_circe

Mar 24, 2007 16:54

I should be washing the dishes, or doing homework, or talking to my roommate like a normal, sociable human being.  Or at the very least, I should be catching up with the f-list.  But am I doing any of that?  No, no, I'm doing a meme ...

"One True Pairing" ship: Slash: Bruce/Clark.  Femslash: Dinah/Babs, Cristina/Meredith (Grey's Anatomy).  I don't have any burning het OTPs right now, but some of mine in the past were Howl/Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle), Rachel/Tobias (Animorphs), and Loren/Elfangor (also Animorphs).

"One True Threesome" ship: I'm not big on OT3s, but if I had to have one, I'd go with Jack/Kate/Sawyer (Lost).  Or Bruce/Clark/Diana (but of course ;p).

"Canon" ship: As quirky_circe said: Bruce/Clark in Shogun of Steel, all the way!  But in non-AU canon, it's Clark/Lois.  Also, Dick/Babs, because I'm insane ...

"Not quite canon but should be" ship: I don't want to put Bruce/Clark for everything, lol, so I'll say Chloe/Clark on Smallville.  I know they've been brutally downgraded to "just friends" by TPTB but, but ... they're so ... connected! *flails*

"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" ship: Already happened.  And it's still happening: Clark/Lana on Smallville.  Oh, and Lexana, too.  Thanks for the crappy double whammy, SV.  *retches*

"You are one sick bastard" ship: Bruce/Joker. *shudders*

"I'm one sick bastard" ship: Clex!  Between Smallville, Birthright, and The Last Son of Krypton, I am so sold on this pairing, it's scary.  In fact, if I ever find time, I'm going to start posting Clexy passages from Last Son. ^-^  It's the novel that Superman: The Movie was supposed to be based off of, and in it, not only does the Clex upstage the Clois, lol, but the Clex is so .... unbelievably sweet and romantic beneath the obligatory dysfunction ... it doesn't seem like it could even be possible.

Admittedly, I'm only halfway through the book, so for all I know, they kill each other at the end.  Right now, though, I'm at a part where Superman has just broken Lex out of prison, and they've embarked on a flight through space that, from the way it's written, I swear is just a huge metaphor for sex, lol--and tantric sex at that.  Elliot S! Maggin, you are such a fangirl at heart.

"I dabble a little" ship: I guess this would also be Clex, since I'm not all out for it (... yet ;p), but I love it when I see it.  Clark/Diana is another dabbly ship of mine, and Bruce/Diana used to be, although it's slipped off the radar recently.

"It's like a car crash" ship: SV Clana.  And Lexana.

"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet" ship: Clark/Kyle.  It seems like a cute pairing, but I can't quite get myself into it.

"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" ship: Howl/Elfangor (Howl's Moving Castle/Animorphs x-over).  I have no idea how my brain came up with this piece of crack pairing, but I love it anyway. *grin*

"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" ship: Hmm ... I don't think I have one of these ...  ETA: Oh, oh, wait, I do have one of these, and it's Bruce/Harvey.  It's not that I don't enjoy reading it, but it's never made its way into my personal canon--I have huge issues with whoring Bruce out, lol.  My Clark!muse is way too possessive of his Bat (which is probably why Bruce/Diana faded for me as well).  Although from looking at this meme, I apparently have no problem with Clark sleeping with half the DCU ... ?_?

"When all is said and done" ship: Bruce/Clark.

"Guilty Pleasure" ship: Comics Clark/Lana.  Specifically, Superman for All Seasons Clana.  Like Clark and Chloe on SV, Clark and Lana are just friends in this comic, but I think that's exactly why they work so well together in it.  Also, thanks to SfAS, over 50% of the fic that gets written in my head is comics Clana now.  Eek!  I worry myself sometimes ...  ETA: I also have Clark/Lori Lemaris, LMAO!  WTF, Clark!muse, is there any one you won't shack up with?

"I can't believe I read it and liked it" ship:  Clark/Harvey and Brex, both thanks to
arch_schatten .

"Favorite Cross-Gen" ship:  Umm ... none?

"My first I could never abandon you" ship: I hate to be repetitive, but ... Bruce/Clark.  Don't tell me you didn't see that coming. XD


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