Monday: Watched "Fallen Angels" (see previous post). Is a Brilliant film. Wong Kar-Wai, the director makes good films. He often blends Jap/Mandarin/Cantonese languages together in his films. I'm looking forward to seeing
Tuesday: Had driving lesson in the day. Mandarin class at night. Watched
Red Shadow last night. A film with a budget. Lol, still better to watch a pants Jap film than a pants Americian/English film cause I learn new words etc.
Today: Had Cooking class. Was ok. Did a bit more reading and watched anime. Brought a VHS of Paul Weller from the libary ex-stock for £3. No idea when I'll get round to watching it though.
I feel I've been neglecting my guitar recently. Too much time watching films and anime. Stills its good that I don't waste so much time down the pub any more.