Jan 04, 2008 14:54
So, I'm not so big on New Year's resolutions. I think that goal-setting is valuable and should be used all the time and not just on special occasions. But the way my life has played out lately, it's a New Year and time for some serious changes and goal setting for me. So I'm going to write them down. I'm going to keep track. I'm going to accomplish what I am setting out to do right now. 10 things can't be that hard and I have LJ buddies to kick my ass when I fall off the wagon.
1. Get a Job- so much of everything else depends on this.
2. Join Toastmasters again- get my confidence back.
3. Become a member of the DC Bar- versatility baby.
4. Stick with a chorus- probably the Singers for now, but I want to explore my options a little bit.
5. Play my new guitar at least 3 times a week by myself and at least once a week with other people. Maybe play some classical guitar too, once I get some muscle back.
6. Work on at least one play- these last three recognize the fact that I absolutely NEED to be doing something creative. Susan is directing Richard III and I love me some Shakespeare.
7. New apartment/place to live- my lungs don't need my downstairs neighbor's smoke, we need another toilet, and I really miss DDR.
8. Pay off the two credit cards- this one is dependent on a job, but very easily done.
9. Get in shape/eat well- I feel so much better when I am and I do, and I'm on a roll so far.
10. Make some local friends- a lot of the other stuff will feed this too, but I am sick of being socially isolated. I desperately miss Katy, Renata, Reba, Ellen and Katherine, but distance is a fact of life that I cannot change.
There is one more thing that could be a resolution, but really isn't independent of any of these- I'm going to write about my progress. Not just this one setting out of goals, but my accomplishments and shortcomings. I will break them down and come next Christmastime, I'll sit in my nice new living room, strumming on my guitar and singing after my last show closes, thinking about my next big case, enjoying what I've accomplished and not worrying about paying next month's rent. If I get really motivated, maybe I'll do all that in Spanish.