You shall not pass.

Apr 16, 2005 20:30

Before adding me, please read and consider this. =3

1.) I don't like people who use chatspeak, sTiCkY cApS, and other annoying forms of typing. Not only is it hard to read, it's just stupid. I won't get bitchy about it unless I'm having a really bad day, or it's really horrible.

2.) I'm very open-minded, and I like friends that are also. I won't go and remove someone just because their views conflict with mine, and I hope for the same. HOWEVER. If it's on a serious issue, then I may remove people, but it has to be pretty serious.

3.) I'm not religious, and sometimes I post things that might offend those who are scarily religious. Nothing horrible, but if you don't think you'd like that, better safe than sorry. If I was to classify myself as anything, I'd say I was pagan. I don't usually have problems with people unless they provoke me, so don't worry about my bashing -insert religion here- for no reason.

4.) I'd like people who update semi-regularly, and comment once in a while. I myself don't comment as much as some people might like, but I comment when I have something to say. In my opinion, comments with meaning are better than comments just to rack up the numbers.

5.) Sharing similiar interests is nice. =3 I won't refrain from adding someone just because of no common interests, though. You never know when a friend will get you into something, or vice versa. It's just nice having a common point. :D

6.) If you're homophobic, racist, a bigot, and so on, then I don't think you should add me. I cannot tolerate people like that. Everyone was created equal, and whatnot. xD

7.) I post sporadically. Sometimes I will post a lot over a few days, other times I won't update for a week at most. I do try to post at least once a day, however.

8.) I have a weird sense of humour, and sometimes post rather... odd things. However, if something might offend someone, I will put up a warning. I might also post a short entry that seemingly makes no sense... sometimes it's better not to ask.

9.) I use an LJ-cut for big images, extremely long posts, quiz results, and so on. I appreciate if other people do that too. While I don't have dial up or anything, I have a large friend's list, and it is annoying having to scroll and scroll and scroll. Also, with images, LJ-cuts save your bandwidth.

10.) I don't like when people try to force their beliefs on me. It's okay to be religious, or like a certain type of music or show, just don't tell me what I think/believe/what/listen to/and so on is wrong, and you're right. Jokingly is fine, but seriously it's really annoying. D:

11.) I like to use emotes... smilies, if you will. ":O :D xD ^^ ._." and so on. I try not to use them too much, but if that annoys you... just a warning.

12.) If you add me, please comment, so I know you read this and aren't a random serial adder or something. And it just makes it easier to keep track of things. I don't regularly refresh my info page to see who has added me.

13.) Please don't add me for graphics or something. Not that I really think anyone will. There's a lot of sites for free layouts that are loads better than mine, and I don't really do much graphic work anymore.

14.) Don't start drama. If you have a problem with a friend of mine, don't argue in my journal. Take it to a messenger or your own journals. Public arguing can be embarassing, and I don't want my friends fighting.

It's a long list, but don't let it scare you. I'm a nice person. xD

privacy, friends only

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