(no subject)

Jul 16, 2005 22:03

OK, I know I've been "gone" (though sometimes lurking) for...well, ever, and so I'm quite possibly just writing to myself here, but that's cool too.

I really think I could have easily gone without about 400 pages of it. Not that I didn't enjoy it at all, I mean some of the back story on Voldemort was actually pretty cool, but it was sort of like 6 chapters of boring everyday life, 1 chapter of actual useful info (all in one huge, not terribly well-flowing block), 3 more chapters useless drivel, 1 more chapter cool info, and so on. I don't think I actually became actively interested until about page 500.

Some of the characters seemed to have undergone some seriously rapid changes in personality. Or maybe that's just me. (But I don't think so.)

Maybe I'm just a fangirl, but I really think it would be too easy for Snape to just be evil. He and Dumby (may he rest in peace, although I won't really miss him) (Sorry) had one last convo that we didn't get to hear.

What's with the sudden (not my OTPs) shipping? I know they're of age now and all, but seriously.

Did anyone else have a flashback of Spiderman 2 with the whole Harry/Ginny thing at the end?

OK, enough for now. I'm pretty tired from reading for 10 hours straight. Maybe I will have better thought out impressions and actually be capable of discussion a bit later...
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