Drabbles: POA

Jun 06, 2004 11:47

So, I’ve once again been procrastinating writing my review of PoA. It’s sketched out in bullet form, and eventually I’ll flesh it out, but for now I’ve been drabbling to get out a few of my...frustrations. All are snarky and contain MOVIE SPOILERS. Written for hp100’s PoA challenge.

Title: Burning Questions
Word Count: 100
Characters: Harry, Hermione

“What the bloody hell? None of this makes any sense!” Harry exclaimed.

“What do you mean?” Hermione hissed, darting a nervous glance toward the scene unfolding before them, “Obviously Lupin’s off his rocker and he’s going to kill us!”

“But that’s just it! Things just don’t add up. How did Lupin know how the map worked? Who are MoonEy, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs? What’s Snape’s problem? I mean, I know he’s a bastard, but isn’t his reaction a little over the top? And what’s with everyone being Animagi?”

Hermione shrugged. “No idea. If we could only get to a library...”

Title: The Only Explanation
Word Count: 100
Characters: Hermione, Harry

“That’s Pettigrew! He betrayed my parents!” Harry cried, angry tears springing to his bright blue eyes as he moved forward.

“No!” Hermione whispered fiercely. “Awful things happen to wizards who meddle with time, Harry.”

“OK, then.” He settled back down just as Hermione decided to throw some rocks at their slightly younger counterparts.

“Hey! I thought you just said bad things happen if you mess with time!”

“I said bad things happen to wizards. Do I look like a wizard to you?”

Harry shook his head dumbly.

“Well spotted. And besides, anything’s possible when I’m wearing my magic pink jacket!”

Title: Page 394
Word Count: 100
Characters: Sirius, Remus, Trio

The moon shone abnormally brightly as it emerged from the clouds.

“Remus!” Sirius cried, holding his friend with brotherly love as the transformation wracked his body. “What about your potion?”

“What potion?” Harry hissed.

Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed. “Didn’t you read page 394? Professor Snape mentioned it three times!”

Harry shrugged helplessly. He glanced at Ron, who could only offer an apologetic smile.

Hermione set her jaw. “Well, if you don’t know, I’m not going to tell you. It doesn’t matter anyway, since apparently he forgot to take it. I just wonder how Sirius Black knew about it...”

Title: Details
Word Count: 100
Characters: Harry, Lupin

Harry stood on the bridge, idly wondering when they had put that in. Ah well, it was a nice view. He barely looked up as Professor Lupin approached.

“You’re wondering why I stopped you from facing that boggart.”

Harry considered telling him that he had actually been wondering why the castle looked so different from here, but instead he said, “Well, er.... yeah.”

Lupin sighed, “I assumed the boggart would have taken the form of Voldemort.”

“But Professor,” Harry looked up, confused, “it was clearly already a dementor by the time you intervened!”

“Details, Harry,” Lupin shook his head good-naturedly.

Title: Details (Part Deux)
Word Count: 100
Characters: Lupin, Harry

“You have your mother’s eyes,” Professor Lupin remarked wistfully. “Yes, I knew her. She was there for me in ways I never expected. She gave me just what I needed. She saw beauty in places others did not...”

“Are you trying to tell me you guys shagged?”

“What? No! I’m just being strangely sentimental about past relationships you know nothing about!”

“Oh.” They stood in silence for several moments. Finally Harry said, “I thought my mum’s eyes were green.”

Lupin let out a heavy sigh. He seemed to be getting a bit frustrated. “What is your obsession with details, Harry?!”
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