Drabble: Phoenix Tears

May 27, 2004 22:10

This week I issued the "What if?" Challenge at hp100 in which we change one canon event and explore the consequences. I've really been enjoying some of the very creative responses that have been posted. espresso_rabbit and I drabbled concurrently on this one night and were discussing further drabbles when this conversation occured:

TA: i think i'll kill harry again tomorrow
ER: a noble goal, for a slytherin
TA: im thinking about more ways to kill harry right now
TA: "what if fawkes got eaten by the basilisk?"
TA: "what if harry's hands were sweaty and he couldn't grip the door in the flying car?" (well, movie style)
ER: yikes
TA: "what if hermione was BSing her logic skills and made harry drink the death potion in snapes test in SS?"
TA: the possibilities are endless
ER: dude....you're just evil
TA: you know i'll do all 14
TA: and he'll die in every one

It seems I lost some motivation after meeting Daniel Radcliffe (who knew that would happen?), and unfortunately I won't be able to actually write all 14 by the end of the week (tomorrow morning), but I do plan to continue after the week's over until all 14 are written. Today I wrote another to add to the collection, which I'm calling "What If Harry Died a Horrible Gruesome Death?".

Title: Phoenix Tears (aka WIHDAHGD: Volume 2)
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13

Harry watched the shadows move as Fawkes dove, attacking the basilisk and gouging out its eyes. Thrashing in fury, the basilisk struck out at the bird, and Harry gasped at the sickening crunch as Fawkes was caught in its mighty teeth.

“NO!” Harry cried, turning and attacking the now-blinded basilisk with all the force he had in him. He did not stop until the creature lay dead at his feet. Dropping the sword, he crouched before the phoenix’s still, mangled body.

“You were really great, Fawkes,” Harry said softly, holding his bleeding arm as he turned to face Tom Riddle.

WIHDAHGD: Volume 1 is here.
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