So yeah, I've been pondering this for a little while but decided on tuesday to get off my ass and actually go get a bike. I did a little shopping around, asked a few friends about what would be good for me and eventually ended up purchasing myself a new road bike yesterday.
I took it out for its first ride today and all I can say is ":)". I just went for a bit of an exploratory ride along a nearby creek trail and ended up doing about 20km. It didn't really seem all that hard or far, I just figured it was about time to come back when I hit the freeway. Right now I am freaking sore, but I reaaally enjoyed myself and intend to head out and try another one tomorrow. There's a 15 km ride near me into the city so I might pack a water bottle and meander my way in along that to see how it goes.
Anyway, if anyone wants to catch up for a ride or something, gimme a shout out :)