Fandom Update

Feb 05, 2023 14:37


I am still having trouble sitting in front of a PC due to my back so I focused the time on my
smallfandombang story.

michaelbiehn - nothing this week


crossoverbingo - COMPLETED - 4/25 - nothing this week

A bingo table of AU prompts for crossing over the following fandoms in any combination: The Old Guard, Eureka, Stargate Atlantis, and Jurassic Park



100fandoms - COMPLETED - 75/100 - nothing this week

This is a low pressure, no time limit challenge with a minimum word count of 100 (no max) where you write a story for 100 different fandoms. I'm 75% the way there!



10prompts - COMPLETED - 5/10 - nothing this week

Each story must be a minimum of 500 words, and there is NO TIME LIMIT. I've chosen the TROPES table for Joe/Nicky, The Old Guard Movie.



smallfandombang R12 - ROUGH DRAFT - SENT

This is a 10k minimum big bang for small fandoms. I was just shy of the wordcount (7.5k instead of 8k) for the rough draft but submitted it anyway as I planned to get more written last week. Now I can sit for a little longer at my PC I passed the 10k minimum. I certainly have enough to send to an artist should anyone be assigned to my story and just need a finish for the story now :)

My story is: The Mummy (2017)/Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot | They Call Me Jeeg (2015) - Malik/Zingaro|Fabio Cannizzaro

10058 / 10000 (100.5%)

AUTHOR CHECK-IN NO. 4:  MAR 8-14, 2023


tic_tac_woe Apocalypse 3 - COMPLETED - 4/9 - nothing this week



100fandomicons - COMPLETED - 5/100 - nothing this week

The object is to complete each prompt with an icon from a different fandom.



inkingitout 2023 - WORD GOAL: 120000 - nothing this week


5698 / 120000 (4.75%)

fanart_recs FEB 2023 - PACIFIC RIM

The mod realized they had not got anyone to put up any art recs in FEB so I offered to do recs for Pacific Rim - a brilliant movie with some great action sequences. So far I have put up two art recs and plan to put up a new rec every three days.


Most of the following will have to wait until I make the time to think it all through.

1. Scan/Upload clippings and other articles: I have folders containing stuff to upload and lots of magazine articles I found when going through all my old magazines that I want to scan/upload eventually.

2. Reduce the overall number of files: I have made a start after finding an online collage maker to help me quickly put 8 images to a single file. I was going to redo the screen captures but I simply do not have the time if I want to reduce enough files before June.

3. Sort out the eFiction archives: Nothing done this week. All my own stories were uploaded to AO3 years ago. What remains are stories written by other fans, and I know a few have moved on to new fandoms - or sadly passed on. Doing this will help bring down the number of files on the sites substantially too.

4. Make sites mobile friendly: Nothing this week

5. Add items to empty albums: Nothing this week

Please remember to check out the GALLERY and FICTION archives for any new items/stories posted as I don't tend to change the website UPDATE pages for these.


PHOENIX: Updates - nothing this week

Michael Biehn - A03 Fiction and Art collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


UpCLOSE: Updates - nothing this week

Eric Close - A03 Fiction and Art collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


David Hewlett Archive: Updates - nothing this week

David Hewlett - AO3 Fiction and ART collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


Focused on Nick Lea: Updates

Updated many of the web pages to reflect the new domain name and figured out why it wasn't allowing images to be shown!

Nick Lea - AO3 Fiction and ART collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


FANFICTION: Still slowly reading through all The Old Guard Joe/Nicky stories

BOOKS: Still not started on Surviving the Evacuation book 7 by Frank Tayell.

The Ebb-Tide by Robert Louis Stevenson - I read Treasure Island and Kidnapped decades ago and having seen a modern adaption of this story (Waves, starring Luca Marinelli) I decided to read this one and so far I am enjoying it. They have just come across the remote island in the (stolen) schooner and the captain and Huish are now formulating a new plan to see if the island's owner has a stash of pearls they can steal after learning most of the inhabitants died of smallpox leaving only 4 survivors. The story is told through the eyes of Herrick - who is a less innocent version of Luca's character Gabriele.



Teen Wolf - The Movie: Overall it was a good movie very much in the same vein as the original TV show. I like seeing Scott and the others fifteen years on, and loved that he got Allison back - his first and only true love. Loved Malia and Parrish together so very much! Only two things let it down horribly: no Stiles (except for mentions) and why the fuck did they do that to Derek? Mind you, if they can bring back Allison then they can bring back anyone, so I am sure there are already dozens of FIX-IT stories flooding into the fandom on AO3. I will have to go check them out because I hated that ending with the passion of a million burning supernovas. Still, it was great seeing Lydia and Jackson working together with references to Ethan, and seeing others from the original cast too - Melissa McCall, Peter Hale, Chris Argent and Sheriff Stilinski.

FANVIDS: Nothing this week



911: Lone Star: Well, I am not excited by the biker/FBI story line for Owen. I wish they would spend more time on the emergency action - saving people's lives than on melodrama. It's one of the reasons why this show has never appealed more than the original. It was always more melodrama than drama, even though I do love the canon gay romance between TK and Carlos :)

Blood: Not seen any this week

Call the Midwife: All caught up and it was an interesting one with Matthew and his father, who do not see eye-to-eye over the buildings he owns in Poplar (Tower Hamlets). Someone mentioned that this show is running out of steam, with fewer nuns and constant cast changes. Everything does seem more rushed this season but I am still enjoying the show and I adore Nurse Crane - a character I really didn't think I would like at first. I feel sorry for Cyril, dealing with the violent schizophrenic, and then learning Lucille has taken a job back in Jamaica when he thought she would be returning to the UK soon.

Criminal Minds: Evolution: We caught up on two episodes and now Dave is in trouble! Elias is a wily one but I'm hoping his arrogance will get the better of him. Just one episode left of this season. Although interesting, I'm hoping they wrap up the Sicarius story and move onto a new unsub next season.

Death in Paradise: (1) After the episode completed both N and I were wondering why they never made a big deal over the fact that the victim had tried to burn is wife alive in the house all those years earlier. He only raced back when he realized his daughter had gone home early from school and was inside. Both of us suspected the sister from early on. I do hope Marlon passes his sergeant exam. Also, still wondering why Andy has come to Saint Marie - no sign of him in this episode though. I'm still wondering if Sophie will turn out to be a bad guy! (2) From Marlon's expression I think he failed the sergeant's exam. I guessed the reason for the killing as soon as one of the suspects mentioned the victim had a 'hidden girlfriend' at the orphanage. Sometimes it is hard to work out who the killer was, and other times so easy.

La Brea: Well it is back, and I watched it, and I am still not sure if I want to see any more of it. I'll give it another episode or two before I decide if it needs to bite the prehistoric dust. Overall it was okay... just nothing truly exciting in the episode beyond Gavin's family drama, which is not exciting at all.

RuPaul's Drag Race: Caught up on the episode that saw Amethyst sashay away. It was her time... though I wasn't convinced the right people were left SAFE. Perhaps the two in the bottom were simply seen as the worst of a bad bunch as most of the design challenge costumes looked... well... not so great. Others were very good though, and as one competitor said, after 14 seasons everyone knows there will be a design challenge so every competitor should have learned how to cut material and sew. I think that is why Amethyst was in the bottom as all she had done was a simple drape of material around herself, made an untidy slit, and used a belt to cinch it.

The Last of Us: I watched the first episode and was absolutely convinced I had seen it before! It turns out one of kids had played the start of the game for me some time ago and the first episode is eerily close in matching the game at that point! I enjoyed the second episode far more now I knew why I felt I had seen the start before and was saddened to lose Tess after she got 'bit' and sacrificed herself to save Joel and Ellie. The third episode focused on a gay couple who met after the apocalypse and then lived together for years, going through some good and bad moments in their lives. It was a lovely story. I liked how one of them said he was like Joel and needed someone to live for. This is definitely a good show so far.


These are all the shows I have collected but have yet to watch. Perhaps I ought to start clearing this list rather than keep finding new shows to watch!

4400 (reboot):
Babylon 5: season 5 and a I think a couple of the post-series movies but cannot be certain.
Battlestar Galactica (reboot):
Being Human (US): episode 211 onward
Bosch Legacy:
CSI: New York:
Dark Matter: season 2 onward
DC's Legends of Tomorrow:
Dexter - New Blood:
Doctor WHO (reboot): season 8 onward
Foundation: new series
Hawaii Five-0: season 7 onward
Heroes: Guess this is on the back burner again.
Heroes Reborn:
His Dark Materials:
Justified: Still halfway through season 3
Kyle XY:
MacGyver (new):
Marvels Daredevil:
Marvels The Defenders:
Mutant X: season 3 onward
Prison Break: not sure where I was up to but I was at least 2 seasons in
Raised by Wolves: season 2 onward
Red Dwarf: season 10 onward
Revolution: season 2 onward
Second Chance:
Star Trek Enterprise: season 3 onward
Star Trek Discovery:
Star Trek Voyager: season 7 onward
Station Eleven: new series
The 100:
The Blacklist: season 5 onward
The Expanse:
The Flash:
The Following: season 2 onward
The Last Kingdom:
The Messengers:
The Orville: season 2 onward
The Outsiders:
The Peripheral: new show that sounds interesting
The Punisher: I haven't watched any new episodes for a while
The Stand: Still not watched any more episodes
The Tomorrow People: reboot plus I'd like to re-watch the original show
The Winchesters: I want to give this a try at some point
Total Recall 2070:
Without A Trace: season 4 onward
Zero Hour:

If this is a fiction post then please comment on AO3, otherwise I'd love to hear from you on You can comment there using OpenID.

misc: update

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