PG13 SLASH: Fallen One - Rodney/Ronon, Stargate Atlantis

Sep 19, 2022 10:58

Title: Fallen One
Author: Tarlan (
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing/Characters: Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex
Rating/Category: PG13 Slash
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 1986
Content Notes: Written for chase_acow, for
auexchange 2022 using the prompt - ALL: Angels and Demons AU. I loved your idea, Rodney as the demon but just the pettiest kind who sets up annoyances for humans. Ronon finds it funny and follows behind turning the bad luck good for the people who don't pitch a fit.

Summary: There is something different about Rodney, and Ronon is determined to find out what.

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f: stargate, c: bingo, fiction, genre: other supernatural, src: tv shows, a: david hewlett, note: slash, p: rodney_other, r: gen and teen, c: challenge

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