Fandom Update

Jun 07, 2020 13:00


michaelbiehn Month: JUNE 2020 - ANY MB Character

A FAKE FANMIX challenge. I stole the idea from
landofart because it was brilliant :)

Not related to the challenge, I've posted a wallpaper and some icons I created for Sheriff Hague in Grindhouse (Planet Terror).


tic_tac_woe - R2: COMPLETED - 8/9

Still have that one last prompt: loss of atmosphere

Round 2 card:


100fandoms - COMPLETED - 16/100

This is a low pressure, no time limit challenge with a minimum word count of 100 (no max) where you write a story for 100 different fandoms. I'm planning to combine this with some of the other challenges.

Nothing posted this week.



trope_bingo R14 - COMPLETED - 19/25

Nothing done this week, but I do need to focus on this soon as this ends on Jun 30th, and I still have 6 left to do!


fic - 500 words
meta - 1000 words
art - medium sized (at least 320x240)
icon - set of 10
rec post - 10 recs (any combination of fandoms)
picspam - 20 pics

- Last day to sign up:  Jun 10, 2020
- Last day to post bingos:  Jun 30, 2020


landofart Phase 14

- 03 - Hide n Seek Round 4
- 16 - Deciphering the Truth Part 1
- 15 - Colors of the Rainbow
- 14 - Tumbling Around
- 02 - Tag It!

03 Hide n Seek: 01 | (missed round 02) | 03

The Rest: 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09-01 | 09-02 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13


fandomgiftbox 2020

I need to get myself motivated back into writing etc and what better way than to simply drop small gifts into people's wish lists. SIGN-UPS are still open so please consider putting up some requests as you never know what you might receive from me or another writer/creator :) Anything goes... any fandom or original, any kind of art. You specify what you'd like to receive and hope someone out there will make that wish come true.

Sign-Up Post
AO3 Collection (for posting only - reveals in September)

- Last day to sign up:  Jun 21, 2020
- Giftbox Posting:  Jun 7-26, 2020
- Request Spreadsheet Finished:  Jun 28, 2020
- Fandom Entries Post Up:  Jul 5, 2020
- Empty/Under-filled Giftbox Requests Begin:  Jul 19, 2020
- AO3 Collection/DW Comments Revealed::  Sep 6, 2020



SSL - Site Security - While I was on the website control panel I noticed I no have SSL certificates for everything - must be something introduced by my webhost:) Unfortunately I had a LOT of mixed content - insecure links - so I spent all of Thursday evening fixing that. It means ALL my websites are security valid now (https instead of http) so they get the little padlock beside them :) I must admit I didn't have a chance to check every single page on every site so if anyone spots anything funny then please let me know :) Of course I needed to check out how this all works as it looks like the SSL certificate is issued every few months. I wanted to make sure the sites continue to be SSL certified and - great news - 'unlimited' FREE SSL is now part of the package deal :)

Gallery (Coppermine) - I got around to upgrading the Coppermine galleries to the latest version. After that I took a fresh backup of everything. I don't take back-ups that often as I am the only one uploading anything so there is not a lot of changes going on from month to month that I cannot redo if necessary. Still it's nice to have a 'baseline' after an upgrade :)

Still To do - most of these will have to wait until I have far more free time to think it all through.

1. Scan/Upload clippings and other articles - I haven't scanned in any new magazine clippings ready to upload but I have sorted through some more old magazines as part of my decluttering at home. At the moment all the clippings are mixed up together but I do plan to go through everything again to sort it all out.

2. Make sites mobile friendly - no progress but this is a major site restructure so I won't start this until I know what I need to do! It will require some free time to find out what is required/how to code it.

3. Reduce the overall number of files - so I can let go of ONE of the webspaces and save some money. Another major undertaking as it will be a time consuming task.

4. Sort out the efiction archives - I am still planning to move the MB and Nick Lea fiction archives to AO3. My stories are already there so it's simply a matter of removing them from the NL archive at some point and then seeing if I can sort something out with AO3 on how to get the other stories moved across. Just discovered AREA52 has uploaded all their archive onto AO3 so it's definitely the right way to go :)

5. Update the TV/Movie lists to add new TV/movie appearances This requires creating new pages, with graphics and links. I did a small catch-up on MB, EC, and NL a few months back but I need to check IMDB again to see what all the actors have been up since last time.

Please remember to check out the gallery and fiction archives for any new items/stories posted as I don't tend to change the website UPDATE pages for these.


PHOENIX: Updates

Added a Grindhouse wallpaper and icons.

Michael Biehn - A03 Fiction and Art collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


UpCLOSE: Updates

Nothing this week.

Eric Close - A03 Fiction and Art collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


David Hewlett Archive: Updates

Added the recent Rodney McKay and Team wallpaper, sigtag, and panorama (plus individual icons).

David Hewlett - AO3 Fiction and ART collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


Focused on Nick Lea: Updates

Nothing this week.

Latest Uploads to the Gallery

If this is a fiction post then please comment on AO3, otherwise I'd love to hear from you on

misc: update

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