Fandom Update

Dec 01, 2019 23:30

I fulfilled a few small wishes on a Holiday Wishes list and completed a few challenges for landofart. I still have more challenges to work on


michaelbiehn Month: DECEMBER 2019 - ANYTHING GOES!

I'm giving up on this for the rest of the year and will start afresh in January.


tic_tac_woe - R2: COMPLETED - 5/9

Nothing done this week. The final prompts are not easy ones.

Round 2 card:


100fandoms - COMPLETED - 9/100

Nothing done this week. This is a low pressure, no time limit challenge with a minimum word count of 100 (no max) where you write a story for 100 different fandoms. I'm combining this with some of the other challenges.



hc_bingo Round 10 - COMPLETED - 13/25

Nothing done this week.


The minimum requirements for a fill are:
- Fic - 500 words
- Art - medium sized (at least 320x240)
- Icons - set of 10
- Rec post - 10 recs (any combination of fandoms) with a short explanation for each
- Picspam - 20 pics

- Round 10:  Jun 10, 2019 to Jan 5, 2020
- Sign ups:  Cards can be requested anytime before January 5, 2020
- Amnesty Period:  Jan 5, 2020 to June 10, 2020


5. Happy Belated Treatmas - COMPLETED - 0

This is an AO3 ONLY PROMPT FEST to complete prompts from the recipient's previous requests (such as old Fandomgiftbox, old AO3 exchanges etc) to leave as TREATS in time for THIS Xmas :) SIGN UP IS STILL OPEN IF YOU ARE QUICK!

- Sign ups:  Open until December 2019
- Revealed:  Dec 25, 2019


smallfandombang - AUTHOR CHECK IN #2 - DONE

I'm planning to start on this during my 3-week vacation over Christmas.

- Artist Sign-ups:  Nov 1, 2019 - Jan 31, 2020
- Author Check-In No. 3:  Jan 1-7, 2020
- Artist Check-In No. 1:  Jan 1-7, 2020
- Rough Draft Due:  Jan 31, 2020
- Artist Claiming:  Feb 7 - Feb 13, 2020
- Matching Reveal:  Feb 14, 2020
- Author Check-In No. 4:  Mar 8-14, 2020
- Artist Check-In No. 2:  Mar 8-14, 2020
- Final Drafts (Fic & Art) Due:  Mar 31, 2020
- Posting Date Sign-Ups:  Apr 1 - Apr 4, 2020
- Posting Period:  Apr 5 - Apr 30, 2020


7. sgasecretsanta - AUTHOR CHECK IN - DONE

AO3 - sga_secret_santa_2019

I'm planning to start on this next weekend.

- Assignment is due:  Dec 21, 2019



With YAHOO groups closing I spent a lot of hours working out things with the MBFic community - checking I have all the backups for when it all disappears on December 14th. I need to spend more time trying to figure out the best way forward.

To do:

1. Make sites mobile friendly - no progress

2. Reduce the overall number of files - so I can let go of ONE of the webspaces and save some money. This is going to have to wait until I have far more free time to sit and think things through.

3. Sort out the efiction archives - I finished going through all The Magnificent Seven Old West stories to remove any the spam reviews and ensure the totals were correct. I am still planning to try to contact the authors on the MB fiction archive to see if any of them want to move their stories to AO3.

Remember to check out the gallery and fiction archives for any new items/stories posted as I don't tend to change the website UPDATE page for these.


PHOENIX: Updates

Nothing added this week.

Michael Biehn - A03 Fiction and Art collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery

UpCLOSE: Updates

Nothing added this week.

Eric Close - A03 Fiction and Art collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery

David Hewlett Archive: Updates

Nothing added this week.

David Hewlett - AO3 Fiction and ART collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery

Focused on Nick Lea: Updates

Nothing added this week, and I still have a few Nick Lea X-Files articles to scan in, and when I have time, and I still want to set up a fiction/art collection on A03 to eventually replace the fiction archive.

Latest Uploads to the Gallery

If this is a fiction post then please comment on AO3, otherwise I'd love to hear from you on

misc: update

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