Fandom Update

Apr 07, 2019 14:12

I've been MIA again for most of the past few weeks for one reason or another, *sigh*

Here is my weekly FANDOM update.


michaelbiehn Month: MAR/APR 2019 - K2 (Taylor Brooks)

No takers in March so I'll extend this as I never got a chance to do anything either!


tic_tac_woe - R2: COMPLETED - 5/9

Nothing done.

Round 2 card:


trope_bingo Round 12 - COMPLETED - 1/25

Nothing new to add.

I have my card: HERE

- Last day to sign up:  Jun 30, 2019
- Last day to post bingos:  Jun 30, 2019


smallfandombang Round 7 - STORY - POSTING DATE CLAIMED

I went back over the story, sent in the final draft, and I have claimed a posting date of TOMORROW!

- Posting Period:  Apr 5 - Apr 30, 2019


one_sentence_only - COMPLETED TABLES - 2/3 | TABLE 3: COMPLETED - 0/25

Nothing done.

Table 1: - My Sentences - Jack, Nathan, Jack/Nathan - Eureka
Table 2: - My Sentences - Newt, Original!Percival, Newt/Percival - Fantastic Beasts
Table 3: - Rodney, John, John/Rodney - Stargate Atlantis


100fandoms - COMPLETED - 0/100

This is a low pressure, no time limit challenge with a minimum word count of 100 (no max) where you write a story for 100 different fandoms.

Table 1:


hc_bingo Round 9 AMNESTY - APRIL - REQUESTED

I've requested a prompt table.

My card:



No site work this week. Still to do:

1. Make sites mobile friendly
2. Reduce the overall number of files so I can let go of ONE of the webspaces and save some money - this is going to have to wait until I have more free time to sit and think things through.

Remember to check out the gallery and fiction archives for any new items/stories posted as I don't tend to change the website UPDATE page for these.


PHOENIX: Updates

Nothing added this week.

Latest Uploads to the Gallery

UpCLOSE: Updates

Nothing added this week.

Latest Uploads to the Gallery

David Hewlett Archive: Updates

Nothing added this week. Still need to add loads more SGA screen captures to add when I get the time to go through them.

Latest Uploads to the Gallery

Focused on Nick Lea: Updates

Nothing added this week. I have a few Nick Lea X-Files articles to scan in when I have time.

Latest Uploads to the Gallery

If this is a fiction post then please comment on AO3, otherwise I'd love to hear from you on

misc: update

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