Sunday Update - Fandom

Apr 15, 2018 15:24

Here is my FANDOM update...


michaelbiehn Month: APRIL 2018 - LOGAN'S RUN 1.01 (Sandman)

Nothing posted yet. Still two weeks to go.


tic_tac_woe - COMPLETED - 6/9

Still have three to go.

Rogue superbeing/omnicidal maniac, Buried by garbage, Hell/heaven on earth

My card is at:


smallfandombang Round 7 - FIC - POSTED

I posted my story yesterday, wo that completes this round of
smallfandombang :)

- Not Your Typical Sentinel... or Guide - Jack/Nathan, Eureka (10,800 words)



Nothing created this week.


- 02: Word Prompt - Villainous  NOT STARTED
- 03: Song Lyric  NOT STARTED
- 04: One Object, Two Perspectives  NOT STARTED
- 07: Fifth Interest  Chris/Ezra - NOT STARTED
- 08: Non-dominant Hand  NOT STARTED
- 11: Community Puzzle Patchwork  NOT STARTED
- 12: Resolutions  NOT STARTED
- 13: Squiggle 3  NOT STARTED
- 14: Ethnic Diversity  NOT STARTED
- 15: Body Type Diversity  NOT STARTED
- 16: Age Diversity  NOT STARTED


5. mcsheplets - COMPLETED: 265/278

Nothing added.


trope_bingo Round 10 - COMPLETED - 6/25

smallfandombang story uses prompt: Against all odds

My card is here

- Last day to post bingos:  Apr 31, 2018


7. btfchallenge Round 3

'Be The First' challenge is for where there are NO fandom entries for it on AO3. I have FIVE days left!

- Last day to post:  Apr 20, 2018


fandom5k 2018 - ASSIGNMENT - RECEIVED

I have my assignment and matched on only one of the requests but it is a fandom I adore so I just need to decide what I want to write :) The story is not due until June so I won't start before I complete some other challenges first.

AO3 Collection:

- Default deadline:  May 4, 2018
- Mandatory check-in:  May 5-12, 2018
- Stories due:  Jun 2, 2018
- Stories revealed:  Jun 16, 2018
- Authors revealed:  Jun 23, 2018


nightonficmountain 2018 - SIGN UP - DONE

I've completed my sign-up even though I haven't had a chance to watch a movie that intrigued me on the list. I figure I have 5-6 days to watch it and edit my sign-up if necessary, but if I leave it I'lll likely forget to sign up in time!

- Signups Close:  Apr 21, 2018
- Assignments due:  Jun 15, 2018
- Works revealed:  Jun 21, 2018
- Authors revealed:  Jun 28, 2018

lands_of_magic Round 2 - TEAM ASSIGNMENT - WINTER COURT - COMPLETED - 4/6

Trying to keep up with the Landcomm challenges so I don't end up swamped :) I've created SIGTAGS for everyone who has submitted a request so far.



03: Sig Tag Exchange
  Due: APR 27
  Link to My Entry

06: Color Me
  Due: APR 27


11. sgareversebang 2018 - ART - SIGNED UP - FIC - SIGNED UP

Sign ups are still OPEN! I need to work on some art for this next weekend.

- Artist Signups:  Apr 1-30, 2018
- Author sign-ups:  Apr 1 to Jun 30, 2018
- Art for Claiming due:  Ju1 4, 2018
- Claiming:  Ju1 11, 2018
- Drop out Deadline (Authors):  Sep 1, 2018
- Posting Period:  Nov 1-8, 2018


hc_bingo APRIL 2018

This month's amnesty challenge is CROSSOVERS and it is a square on my trope_bingo card :) Still trying to decide which shows/movies do I crossover?

My card is here

- Last day to post bingos:  May 5, 2018


screenexchange - ROUND 1 SIGN-UP - DONE

The Screen Exchange is a multi-fandom gift exchange specific to film and television. It consists of two rounds: a drabble round and a formal round. In the drabble round, participants must complete a work of fiction between 100 and 500 words in length. In the second round, all submissions must be 1,000 words or over.

2018 Drabble Round Timeline: I was UNMATCHED so my request may go up as a pinch hit/treat request. Not sure how that affects me getting an assignment. I have a feeling I don't get assigned to do anything so I may write treats.

- Sign-ups:  Apr 10-14, 2018
- Assignments due:  Apr 21, 2018
- Works/Authors revealed:  Apr 23, 2018

2018 Screen Exchange Timeline:

- Sign-ups:  May 1-12, 2018
- Assignments due:  Jun 10, 2018
- Works revealed:  Jun 15, 2018
- Authors revealed:  Jun 24, 2018


npt_admin 2018 - NOMINATIONS - DONE

Not Prime Time is for MEDIUM sized fandoms - ones that are deemed too large for
yuletide but are not juggernaut/mega-fandoms like Stargate Atlantis, Merlin, Teen Wolf, Primeval etc. Nominations close TODAY!

- Nominations close:  Apr 15, 2018
- Sign-ups:  Apr 19-30, 2018
- Assignments due:  Jul 3, 2018
- Main Collection Works revealed:  Jul 13, 2018
- Madness Collection Works revealed:  Ju1 14, 2018
- Authors revealed:  Ju1 21, 2018



No admin work this week.

Remember to check out the gallery and fiction archives for any new items/stories posted as I don't tend to change the website UPDATE page for these.


PHOENIX: Updates

Nothing new from me this week.

Latest Uploads to the Gallery

UpCLOSE: Updates

Nothing new from me this week.

Latest Uploads to the Gallery

David Hewlett Archive: Updates

Nothing new from me this week. I still have loads more SGA screen captures to add.

Latest Uploads to the Gallery

Focussed on Nick Lea: Updates (I'm not the owner of this website, just helping out when I can)

Nothing new from me this week.

Latest Uploads to the Gallery

If this is a fiction post then please comment on AO3, otherwise I'd love to hear from you on

misc: update

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