Sunday Update - Fandom

Apr 08, 2018 15:45

Here is my FANDOM update...


michaelbiehn Month: APRIL 2018 - LOGAN'S RUN 1.01 (Sandman)

Nothing posted yet.


tic_tac_woe - COMPLETED - 6/9

Still have three to go, and I want to finish this so I can get a new card so I'm determined to use the remaining prompts to work with the Trope Bingo R10 table:

Rogue superbeing/omnicidal maniac, Buried by garbage, Hell/heaven on earth

My card is at:


smallfandombang Round 7 - FIC POST - | ART POST - POSTED

I created my art post on AO3 and the author posted it today at the same time as their story - making them a co-creator on the art made syncing the posts so much easier! I've put up my artist post on the main comm.

- ART for More Than Words by Noxelementalist

I still need to give my Eureka story a final read through, and maybe create my own art for it :) My posting dates are as follows:

MY FIC (Eureka):  Apr 14, 2018



I can finally share something, a digital art piece created for a fanfic big bang challenge.


- 02: Word Prompt - Villainous  NOT STARTED
- 03: Song Lyric  NOT STARTED
- 04: One Object, Two Perspectives  NOT STARTED
- 07: Fifth Interest  Chris/Ezra - NOT STARTED
- 08: Non-dominant Hand  NOT STARTED
- 10: Prompt Generator  Dar - Beastmaster
- 11: Community Puzzle Patchwork  NOT STARTED
- 12: Resolutions  NOT STARTED
- 13: Squiggle 3  NOT STARTED
- 14: Ethnic Diversity  NOT STARTED
- 15: Body Type Diversity  NOT STARTED


5. mcsheplets - COMPLETED: 265/277

Nothing added.


trope_bingo Round 10 - COMPLETED - 5/25

smallfandombang art uses one square - MEET THE PARENTS/FAMILY. The story I wrote for the same challenge will use another square. I do need to get working on the remaining prompts though as I have 19 prompts remaining and only 22 days before the deadline.

My card is here

- Last day to post bingos:  Apr 31, 2018


7. btfchallenge Round 3

'Be The First' challenge is really simple. Choose something where there are NO fandom entries for it on AO3 and write a story for that (non)Fandom. Not started yet as I still have over two weeks before this challenge closes. I'll make sure the story meets another square on my Trope Bingo R10 card :)

- Last day to post:  Apr 20, 2018


fandom5k 2018 - ASSIGNMENT - RECEIVED

I have my assignment and matched on only one of the requests but it is a fandom I adore so I just need to decide what I want to write :) The story is not due until June so I won't start before I complete some other challenges first.

AO3 Collection:

- Default deadline:  May 4, 2018
- Mandatory check-in:  May 5-12, 2018
- Stories due:  Jun 2, 2018
- Stories revealed:  Jun 16, 2018
- Authors revealed:  Jun 23, 2018


nightonficmountain 2018 - SIGN UP - NOT YET

This a 1000 word minimum challenge, so easily doable! The sign-ups are open and I discovered most of the fandoms for which I wouldn't mind receiving or writing fic are for movies this time around. There is one movie listed that is on my personal TO WATCH list. I may have to watch it before filling in my sign up form just in case :)

- Signups Close:  Apr 21, 2018
- Assignments due:  Jun 15, 2018
- Works revealed:  Jun 21, 2018
- Authors revealed:  Jun 28, 2018

lands_of_magic Round 2 - TEAM ASSIGNMENT - WINTER COURT - COMPLETED - 4/5

Trying to keep up with the Landcomm challenges so I don't end up swamped :) I've created SIGTAGS for everyone who has submitted a request so far. I created 6 icons to meet Challenge 05.



03: Sig Tag Exchange
  Due: APR 27
  Link to My Entry

04: Easter Egg Hop
  Due: APR 13
  Link to My Entry

05: April Showers
  Due: APR 20
  Link to My Entry (6 icons)


11. sgareversebang 2018 - ART - SIGNED UP - FIC - SIGNED UP

The artist creates and an author claims the work and writes a story (minimum 1000 words) inspired by that art. All Stargate shows are permissable including crossovers between them, so SGU/SGA, SG1/SGA/SGU etc. but no other crossovers. I haven't decided what I will do for the art yet but I have 2.5 months to get it done.

- Artist Signups:  Apr 1-30, 2018
- Author sign-ups:  Apr 1 to Jun 30, 2018
- Art for Claiming due:  Ju1 4, 2018
- Claiming:  Ju1 11, 2018
- Drop out Deadline (Authors):  Sep 1, 2018
- Posting Period:  Nov 1-8, 2018


hc_bingo APRIL 2018

This month's amnesty challenge is CROSSOVERS...and I do love writing crossovers, and it is a square on my trope_bingo card :) All I have to decide is which shows/movies do I crossover? If anyone has a preference then let me know!

My card is here

- Last day to post bingos:  May 5, 2018


screenexchange - NOMINATIONS - DONE

The Screen Exchange is a multi-fandom gift exchange specific to film and television. It consists of two rounds: a drabble round and a formal round. In the drabble round, participants must complete a work of fiction between 100 and 500 words in length. In the formal round, all submissions must be 1,000 words or over. You do not have to participate in both rounds.

2018 Drabble Round Timeline:

- Sign-ups:  Apr 10-14, 2018
- Assignments due:  Apr 21, 2018
- Works/Authors revealed:  Apr 23, 2018

2018 Screen Exchange Timeline:

- Sign-ups:  May 1-12, 2018
- Assignments due:  Jun 10, 2018
- Works revealed:  Jun 15, 2018
- Authors revealed:  Jun 24, 2018


npt_admin 2018 - NOMINATIONS - DONE

Not Prime Time is for MEDIUM sized fandoms - ones that are deemed too large for
yuletide but are not juggernaut/mega-fandoms like Stargate Atlantis, Merlin, Teen Wolf, Primeval etc. I've nominated three favorite medium sized fandoms: Eureka, Jurassic Park, Haven

The full timeline/schedule hasn't been posted yet.

- Nominations close:  Apr 15, 2018



No admin work this week.

Remember to check out the gallery and fiction archives for any new items/stories posted as I don't tend to change the website UPDATE page for these.


PHOENIX: Updates

Nothing new from me this week.

Latest Uploads to the Gallery

UpCLOSE: Updates

Nothing new from me this week.

Latest Uploads to the Gallery

David Hewlett Archive: Updates

Nothing new from me this week. I still have loads more SGA screen captures to add.

Latest Uploads to the Gallery

Focussed on Nick Lea: Updates (I'm not the owner of this website, just helping out when I can)

Nothing new from me this week.

Latest Uploads to the Gallery

If this is a fiction post then please comment on AO3, otherwise I'd love to hear from you on

misc: update

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