Title: Survivor's Guilt
Author: Tarlan (
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating/Category: PG Slash
Word Count: ~2600
Spoilers: None
Summary: Fifty years ago, Rodney McKay made a mistake and John Sheppard paid the price with his life.
Notes/Warnings: AU: Temporary death - angst and fluff!
Written for:
mcsheplets 231: age
trope_bingo: matchmaker
A long, long time ago on a YAHOO comm, someone asked for: The 'If I Knew Then What I Know Now' Challenge - Fifty years ago, Rodney McKay made a mistake and John Sheppard paid the price with his life. Now, at the brink of death (and alone), Chaya gives Rodney a second chance to make things right, by sending his elder consciousness into his younger body.
On AO3: