NC17 Slash - Fools for Love - Nathan/William (Haven)

May 29, 2016 08:58

Title: Fools for Love
Author: Tarlan (tarlanx)
Recipient: roseveare
Fandom: Haven
Pairing/Characters: Nathan/William, mentions Nathan/Audrey, William/Mara
Additional Tags: Nathan and Paige didn't work out, Nathan has aether left by Croatoan's attack|fix, aether bonded|'connected'
Rating/Category: NC17 slash
Word Count: ~6300
Spoilers: None
Summary: Nathan thought he would automatically fall in love with Paige but she wasn't Audrey... and then William showed up, turning his life completely upside down.

Written for After Forever - Haven Exchange

roseveare asked for: Imagine a few years down the line when everyone's got on with their lives. Paige settled in Haven but things with Nathan were just too weird. Maybe Duke's still around, but he's also out of reach. Nathan keeps going for the town, and the rebuilding process is about complete now. Then William shows up, maybe goes for Paige first, but she doesn't recognize or warm to him anymore than Nathan. But William and Nathan... they're still bonded from their gestures of mercy to each other. Maybe William realizes the potential of the leftover aether in Nathan from Croatoan's actions in the finale. Maybe he still has plans for mischief using Nathan's aether, or maybe he's just found the replacement for the missing half that was torn away from him with his destroyed connection to Mara.

On AO3:

src: tv shows, a: colin ferguson, fiction, note: slash, c: challenge

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