Fandom Stocking 2014

Jan 08, 2015 08:51

Fandom Stocking 2014 is OPEN! So now I can share a list of all the treats I put in various stockings over the past month or so. I really hope you enjoy all of these! ALSO... do check out all the stockings to see all the treats left by others. Now I'm off to check out my stocking... it's like Christmas has come round again :)

ART - Wallpapers/Icons - GEN unless otherwise stated - Forever, Grimm - Merlin - Primeval - Teen Wolf - Stargate Atlantis - Torchwood (PG13 slash)
- Aliens
- Boston Legal
- Dead Like Me
- Edge of Tomorrow
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Hawaii Five-0 (icons)
- Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
- Star Trek: Enterprise (icons)


Just A Grunt - ALIENS, Dwayne Hicks, PG Gen
Sunlight - Blade Trinity, Drake/Hannibal, NC17 slash
Sketch - Blood Ties, Mike/Henry, NC17 slash
Concubines - TCoR, Riddick/Vaako, NC17 slash
Deep Breath - Eureka, Nathan/Allison, PG
Disarmed - Eureka, Jack/Fargo, PG13 slash
Physical Therapy - Eureka, Jack/Nathan, NC17 slash
Strands - Eureka, Jack/Nathan (Trevor/Vincent), PG13 slash
Chaos Theory - Jurassic Park 3, Alan/Billy, PG13 slash
Helping Hand - Jurassic Park 3, Alan/Billy, PG13 slash
Tournament - Merlin, Arthur/Merlin, PG13 slash
Christmas Tradition - NCIS, Gibbs/DiNozzo, PG13 slash
Past Intrusion - Primeval, Lester/Ryan, R slash
Ten Years - SeaQuest DSV, Ford/Krieg, PG13 slash
Playing With Fire - Sky High, Will/Warren, PG13 slash
Hints - Stargate Atlantis, Rodney/Ronon, PG13 slash
Mistletoe - Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, PG13 slash
Too Easy - Stargate Atlantis, Rodney/Ronon, PG13 slash
Fishing For Reasons/Winter Traditions - Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, PG13 slash
Cross Roads - Torchwood and Supernatural, Jack/Ianto, Jack/Crowley, PG13 slash
Changing Places - The Vampire Diaries, Damon/Alaric, PG13 slash
Test of Time - The Vampire Diaries, Damon/Alaric, unrequited, PG13 slash
Brothers/Cruel World/Shell of Skin and Bone/Vulnerable - The Walking Dead, Rick/Daryl, NC17 slash
Piece of Heaven - Z Nation, Mack/Addy, PG

f: stargate, fiction, genre: vampires, f: primeval, src: movies, img: icons, src: tv shows, f: riddick, f: jurassic park, f: eureka, fanart, img: wallpaper, c: challenge

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